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After the parade, I told mom that I couldn't feel my legs and that I didn't know the cause.

She said she would call the hospital as soon as we arrived home. Once we arrived home, Hunter brought me in and set me on my chair.

I heard mom talking on the phone, she really wasn't hesitant.

"Okay, see you soon. Goodbye." Mom finished. "Boys, Amber. I need you to continue this day by yourself, Kaila needs to be at the hospital immediately."

"Ms. Jorden, I'm afraid but we cannot continue this day without our beloved friend. We would prefer to be in a hospital then to spend the day without her." Alex contradicted. I couldn't contain the smile that grew on my face.

Mom smiled too. "Well alright then. We need to leave immediately."

Without a hesitation we filed out of the house, and into the car.

In less than five minutes we were there, Hunter picked me up. That's when I started to feel dizzy, light headed. "H-Hunter?"

"Yes, love?"

"Do you have any water? I feel—" Those were the last words I spoke, until I woke up in a hospital bed.

But before I woke up, I saw flashes of. . . houses? It was really bright, and I saw little children running, playing, singing. Where was I?

I heard the words, "You don't belong here yet. You're story isn't done."

I heard a snap and I had suddenly awoken. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times before realizing I was actually in a hospital room.

I looked at my arms and noticed wires running through them. I then noticed that I was hooked up to a breathing machine, but it wasn't on. I still couldn't feel my legs.

I tried sitting up but couldn't do that either. What was going on?!

Then someone came in. He was startled when he saw me awake. "I'm sorry, am I in the wrong room? I was supposed to pick up a dead body. . ."

"A dead body? What do you mean?"

"Uh, someone died of Leukemia a couple hours ago. A girl by the name of Kaila Jorden. Does she sound familiar?"

I couldn't move, my face turned white. I died? "Uh, that's me."

The guys eyes went wide and he darted out the room to get the doctor. In that short time, I still didn't believe this! I had died for two hours ago and now, I was alive again.

The, who I assumed was a nurse, guy came back with a doctor. He rushed to me checking my pulse and a couple more things.

"Get her mother! Now!" The doctor screamed. "What's you're name honey?"

"Kaila Jorden. I'm sixteen years old and I have a pet cat." I stated making it clear that I knew what there is to know about me.

Then before I knew it, mom came into sight followed by Amber, Hunter, and Alex.

"KAILA!" They all screamed.

I smiled at the sight of them. Then I saw someone I never thought I'd ever see in my life again.


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hey! sorry for the short chapter, just thought there was enough drama. but oh gosh!!!! Kambel showed up again!!!!!!!!!!!!


what do you guys think is gonna happen?!

comment below!

thanks guys!! xoxo Ari

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