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The next morning, I got ready for church, but also dressed for my day with Amber. I wore a casual t-shirt dress that went to my knees and as always, my converse.

I went downstairs and saw. . . Margret? I walked closer and she saw me. "Kaila!"

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I tried to be not so confused when talking to her.

"Just visiting, y'all. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd stop in."

"Well, what a pleasant surprise!" I took a look at her. She was definitely bigger, baby Jorden is growing. "How far along are you?"

"Eight months. This little nugget should be out by next month." She smiled, a gleam in her eye.

All of a sudden, her happy face went to anguish. She instantly fell on her knees holding her stomach.

"Margret? What's wrong?" Mom said, worriedly.

"The baby!" She screamed. "It's coming!"

Thankfully we made it to the hospital on time. Mom and I sat in the waiting room for. . . a while, awaiting any news on the birth of my second niece or nephew.

"Averynn Jorden?" Someone called. Mom turned her head and stood. I stood with her. We walked over to the nurse. "It's a boy."

I smiled real wide and looked at mom who was also smiling. "Can we see him?" My mom asked.

"Of course, follow me this way." The nurse then lead the way for us, to see my nephew. Once we got to Margret's room, the nurse knocked on the door. "Margret? You have visitors."

We stepped into the room and saw her and her brand new son.

"Oh, Margret!" Mom exclaimed upon seeing her newborn grandson. "He's so handsome. What's the little ones name?"

"Jeremiah Kaleb." She replied looking down at him.

"Beautiful." Mom gawked at the young child.

"Would you like to hold him?" Margret asked.

"Oh, would I!" Jeremiah was passed to mom, carefully. Mom took him in her arms and swayed back and forth. She cooed and basically babied, the baby.

I looked at my nephew proudly. He looked so much like Kaleb, which made me think of how proud of his young boy, Kaleb would be.

"Do you want to hold him, Kaila?" Mom asked me. I looked at Margret and she nodded.

"Okay." I said, opening my arms. Mom passed him carefully over to me and I smiled at him. He was such an angel being born four weeks early. He didn't cry, he just slept in my arms. "Hey mom, can you take a picture of me and him?"

"Yes! I was just about to do that." She pulled out her phone. I smiled down at the baby and just stared at his sleeping face. "Cute, Kaila." She showed me the picture and it was one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen.

After about a half an hour more when Margret's parents arrived, shortly after we left.

Mom put an arm around me as we walked out. We got into the car and she smiled at me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing, just reminiscing about when you were born."

"Mooom!" I complained, dragging out the 'o'.

"Kaila, mothers are allowed to think these things. Plus is was a great day for the whole family."

As we drove, Mom told me embarrassing stories about me when I was younger.

When we got home, I checked my phone and remembered Amber. We were supposed to go shopping today.

I quickly told her what had happened and she was okay with it. We set a date for next Sunday after church.

I laid down in my room to rest for a bit and remembered. Tomorrow was my first day of school.

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