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"HUNTER!" Amber screamed rushing to his aid. "Mrs. J! Mrs. J!"

I heard footsteps. "What is it Amber? Oh my gosh!"

I couldn't see what happened. Everyone was by the front door. "Someone, help me up!" I said as loud as I could. No one heard me so with all my might, I pushed myself up off the couch. I attempted to grab my wheelchair but failed. So I carefully dropped to the floor.

And with all the strength that I could muster, I pulled my limp legs and no longer useful body, towards everyone.

Once I was at the door I saw him. I saw his face, it was bloody, and cuts covered his arms and face. My hands shook as they went to cover my mouth. He laid there just ever so slightly breathing, but not conscience.

"We need to get him to the hospital. Alex, call his parents." Mom instructed. "Amber, help Kaila. I will get him to the car."

Everyone did as directed, Amber helped me up, and into my wheelchair and out to the car. Alex helped me into the car and Hunter laid down on the chair, his head rested on a towel on my lap.

I began to cry. Amber was in the bucket seat in front of me and Alex next to her.

I ran my hand through his hair and tear drops spilled from my eyes. "Please don't leave me." I whispered. I leaned my head down to his and kissed his head.

We arrived in no time at all. Alex and Mom carefully grabbed Hunter and place him in my wheelchair. I didn't mind. Amber and Alex helped me get from the car into the hospital.

God, don't take him from me. Not now. Please, I need him. I prayed. Nurses got him onto a stretcher, and ran him out of sight. Amber and Alex sat me on a chair in the waiting room.

They sat next to each other and held hands. Where was my hand to hold when he was the patient? Where was my comfort when he was getting treated?

He'd always been there for me, why couldn't I be there for him. Mom then appeared with Mr. and Mrs. Myer. They rushed to the desk where to get information.

I began to shudder again and tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt hands on my back and then go to my shoulder. I looked up and saw Amber hugging me. Tear streaks stained her cheeks as well.

"He's going to be okay. I know he is." She said reassuringly.

"Did you see his face though? It was almost as if he wasn't. . ." my whispering voice faded out and I began to cry again. I put my head in my hands. "He's all I have. Yes, I have you and Alex, but he's. . ." I paused. "my other half."

As soon as I said it I knew it was true. Ever since I met him, he was more then the guy I met at camp. He was more then the guy who told me he liked me. He was more then the guy who kissed me at Disney World. He was even more then just my boyfriend. I couldn't loose him. Not like this.

We waited. For six hours. I sat in the waiting room, waiting, crying, and praying. Alex and Amber's parents picked them up and brought them home, but Mom, Mr. and Mrs. Myer, and I all waited.

Mr. and Mrs. Myer came and sat next to me at around eleven that night. Mom followed close behind.

"Kaila," Mrs. Myer said, touching my knee. I couldn't feel the warmth, the loving touch she gave. "He's okay. We were able to see him for a bit. He's doing okay."

"D-do you think I can see him?" I asked politely, looking up at Mrs. Myer's warm smile.

"Not tonight. I will call you when he can have visitors, okay?"

I nodded. I gave no smile, I gave no hint of life. I was a sad pile of mush. Mush that had to be wheeled around from place to place, and wasn't living the life she was supposed to have.

"You go get your rest." Mrs. Myer rose from the seat, and Mom helped me into my wheelchair. I wheeled out of the hospital.

"Mom. . . I can't sleep tonight without knowing he's safe."

"Kaila, you heard what Kendall said. He's going to be okay."

"But I don't know that for myself. I personally, need to know he's okay."

Mom didn't reply. She got me into the car and on our way home I thought of Winn-Dixie. How Opal used ten things to describe her mom, and Winn-Dixie. I decided to do the same about Hunter.

1. He loves Jesus. He has an endearing passion for Christ and wants to serve him for the rest of his days.

2. He hates fish. Any kind of fish, goldfish, Beta Fish, Salmon, anything.

I smiled thinking of that.

3. His favorite color was purple. It resembles royalty, and he's a child of the King.

4. Junebug was his nickname as a kid because he was the only child out of nine to have a summer birthday.

5. His favorite song was Awake and Alive by Skillet.

6. His blue eyes made my heart skip a beat the first time I met him. They made me feel purposeful and like I was the only thing that mattered.

7. He was born with blonde hair. And when he got older his older brother, Shane, used to put kool aid in his hair so it turned pink.

I smiled wider.

8. He cared about people. He never liked to leave people out or make them feel sad.

9. Singing was something he wanted to do with his career. He has written over forty songs in his lifetime.

For the last one, I thought real hard.

10. He wasn't perfect. He had depression ever since he was 15 after his siblings died. He cut himself and almost committed suicide seventeen times. And through all that, his faith stood. He never lost his connection with God, even if it was weak.

And that was enough to make me realize that if he was able to stay strong through the hardest parts of his life, then this was just another road bump. If he could be strong, so could I. Right?

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