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"Mom, wheel me in there." I demanded. She rolled me into the room, and there I saw, my precious boyfriend laying there.

He was barely breathing, and his skin was as pale as snow. His hair was a mess and I couldn't see his perfect blue eyes with his eyes closed.

I rolled myself closer, I touched his face. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I rested my face on the side of the bed next to him. I hadn't noticed mom left, but it was probably for the best.

"Please God, don't take him. I need him, bring him back to me." I cried and cried. I couldn't imagine what he had done to himself. I didn't want to.

I needed him here, I needed him now. I looked up at his still face, he wasn't dead, I knew that. He was breathing, but he was lifeless.

I began to blame it all on me. "If I never had gotten cancer, if I never would have died, if I just stayed put, with him, everything would be okay!!"

My body was becoming frailer by the second without him here. I tried to move my hand up to touch his face. Even though it hurt like crap, I did it anyways. He was cold.

"Where is my handsome, God loving, fun boyfriend? Huh? Where is he. I kinda need him, like right now." Hot tears kept streaming.

It wasn't until then when a doctor came in. "Miss, I need you to leave. Mr. Myer needs to be left alone."

"Please, let me stay. He's my boyfriend."

"I'm sorry miss. You have to leave." He was getting firm.

"Can I at least know what happened to him?" I looked down at his face again.

"He tried to commit suicide. He drugged himself. Luckily someone was there to find him, he could be in a serious condition right now." The doctor explained.

I closed my eyes, trying to erase that Hunter, out of anyone, would do that to himself.

"Thank you, sir. Is there any possible way that I could come back soon?"

"Friday is available for visitations, only depending on how he is doing."

I nodded. "Alright, thank you." I tried rolling myself out, but epically failed.

"Here, let me help." He offered.

"Thank you."

I saw mom. "Oh! I'm sorry dear, I should've been close by."

"It's alright mom. No need for apologizing." I fake smiled.

Once we reached the car, mom hoisted me up in the car.

As we drove, I felt nothing. Sure, there was the physical pain, but other than that. Nothing. I was too angry to cry, and I was too tired to be angry. It all just canceled out.

All I wanted was Hunter. He's the only one who was there to make me happy. To make me forget that I was sick, just a normal human.

But now what? Where was he, when I needed him most?

I needed him. I needed Hunter.

— — —

This chapter almost made my cry. Seriously, I just can't.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear!

Say, if you're reading this book for the first time and you've never commented, give a comment! I'd love to say hello!

Anyways, thanks for reading friends.

Until next time!

xx Ari

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