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After the fireworks show at Magic Kingdom, which was absolutely amazing, we all headed back to the hotel.

Hunter pushed me to the room. I couldn't help but think about how amazing he was. How amazing God was for giving Hunter to me.

The way we met was by chance, and slightly by choice.

Once we got to the room, Kambel and Kamden had stayed behind because Kamden needed to sleep. I opened the door with my magic band. The room was dark, and quiet.

All of a sudden the lights went on and everyone screamed "Surprise!" and by every I mean everyone who came with me.

Apparently everyone had gotten to the room before me and made a surprise party, but for who, and for what?

"Happy birthday Kaila and Hunter!" Penny squealed.

"What do you mean? Our birthdays were two months ago."

"Yeah, but we didn't get to celebrate them. Hunter's was at camp and yours was while you were in the hospital. So, we decided to throw a late surprise party at Disney." Amber explained.

I grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't explain into words how much today had been amazing.

I looked around at my group of friends and family. They had decorated, hung streamers, got balloons, they even had junk food! All for us.

Claire walked up to me. "Hey so we were wondering if you'd like to open some gifts."

"Gifts?" I asked more surprised then ever.

"Of course! What's a birthday party without presents!"

I was wheeled over to where everyone else was standing, and there was a pile of gifts.

Alexandra handed me a gift. I took it graciously. She also handed one to Hunter.

I waited patiently for a sign to be given so I could open it.

"You can open it, sweetie." Mom smiled.

I ripped it open it was a small little box, I opened it to reveal a necklace with a Minnie charm. I smiled widely. "This is so cute." I exclaimed as everyone watched. "Who's present was this?"

Jordan smiled and raised her hand. "I saw it while you guys were meeting a character after I finished. I saw it and thought I had to get it!"

"Thank you so much, J!"

Hunter opened his next. It was a Buzz LightYear sweatshirt. He laughed and put it on right away. "This is so cool. I love it a lot. Thank you so much, Kallen."

"Wait," Kallen stopped. "Kaila was supposed to open this one at the same time." He handed me a box.

"Can I open it?"

"Of course!"

I ripped the paper and opened the box. I laughed instantly when I saw what it was. It was the same Buzz LightYear sweatshirt. I put it on as well.

"There, now my sister and her boyfriend can match." Kallen smiled.

"You two get together I want a picture." Mom insisted.

Hunter smirked and picked me up out of my wheelchair. I squealed. He held me bridal style. I wrapped my hands around his neck. We smiled for the picture.

"You two are so cute." Mom smiled, looking at the pictures.

Hunter set me back down in the wheelchair. He whispered in my ear. "Yes, yes we are."


GAH! They make my heart so happy. Okay so if some of you are confused on some things let me help you.

Ask me questions here. I will answer them in the next author note I do.

But here's one question y'all might have. "What are the ages of Kaila, Kallen, Kambel, and Kamden."

Kaila is 16
Kallen is 18
Kambel is 24
Kamden is 6
Oh and Kaleb would be 21.

just to clear that up, mkay?

alright! leave your questions below and I will answer them (:

sorry for the long author noteXD


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