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Me: What's wrong Hunter?

Hunter: I need you. Here. ASAP.

Me: Absolutely. But can it wait until tomorrow?

Hunter: No.

Me: Hunter, what's wrong??

Hunter: Meet me at the park in five.

Margret was still talking with mom. I shouldn't bother her, but who could help me? Kallen!

"Kallen!" I called to my brother. He was in the basement. "Kallen!!"

Mom stopped her conversation and yelled down the stairs for him to come up. I was waiting by the door.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can we go to the park?"

"Um, now?" He looked around.

"Yes, now."

"Okay, fine. What's the big deal?"

"Hunter needs help. I don't know what for, but he needs me."

He paused for a minute. "Mom we're going to the park for a few."

"Okay. Be back before curfew."

"We will."

Kallen pushed me out the door and down the ramp we had put in. Down he pushed me, I saw the park ahead.

"Can we go a little faster?"

He huffed. "Sure." He sped up. We reached the park to see Hunter sitting on a bench. Kallen parked me by him.

"I'll come back soon. I'm going for a quick run." Kallen said jogging away.

Hunter looked at me, there were tears in his eyes. "Kaila." He said softly with a hint of pain.

"I'm here, Hunter. What's the matter?"

"Look," He turned his hands over to reveal cuts above the scars. I gasped. He let out a sob. "I tried to stop myself. But I couldn't."

He put his head in his hands and began sobbing.

I put a hand on his back and rubbed it. I wanted to hug him tightly. But this stupid wheelchair was holding me back.

"Hunter look at me." I replied softly. He looked up at me with worries in his eyes. "What made you do this?"

He shook his head. "Anxiety. Panic. Fear."

"What caused this?"

"I've been remembering my siblings lately. Then I remember you. Then something tells me that all of this is my fault, that I didn't deserve you, that I should just die."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Hunter was depressed. I couldn't believe my ears. I started to tear up. "Hunter come over to me please."

He got up and kneeled in front of me placing his head on my lap. I played with his hair. I leaned down, whispering into his ear. "You are loved. You are cared for. You are enough. You mean the world to me." He cried harder. "I love you Hunter Leif Meyer."

He laughed a little while still crying, and looked up at me. "How did you find out my middle name?"

"I know some people." He laughed a little more, sniffling. I kissed his forehead. He kissed my hands. "Oh by the way, I liked your post about me." I commented.

"Yeah, I posted that because it was the selfie you sent me and it's my favorite." He smiled. He was putting on a brave face, that's one thing I loved about him.

"Your profile picture is my favorite."

"I like that one too. Did you see how many likes our camp picture got?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Two hundred and thirty-seven."

My eyes and mouth went wide. "You're kidding."

"Nope. See for yourself."

I pulled out my phone and checked Instagram. He was right, I was shocked. "Holy cow!"

"Did you see the comments?"

I scrolled below and looked at them. People said things like:




y'all are adorable😍

omg! are you two dating?! 😍

Let's hang out soon!

Miss you guys! Can't wait for camp next year!

There were a ton more. People loved us so much.

I commented saying thank you to all of them. The love I was feeling was unexplainable.

I then got a ton more follow requests. They were so cute.

"Hunter you're so famous with these girls."

"I don't really care. You're the only girl I need."

I put both hands to my heart. "You're such a sweetheart, Hunter."

"I know."

I laughed. I saw Kallen coming towards us. He stopped and breathed hard.

"Time to get home, Kay." Kallen warned.

I nodded. Hunter stood up and pushed me as Kallen ran ahead of us.

"So Hunter,"


"How many siblings did you lose?"

He was silent for a minute. "Eight."

"Oh Hunter, I'm so sorry." I reached back and touched his hand.

"My parents say that they lost nine that day. It was because I acted dead too. I was so depressed, I would barely come out of my room. And it pains me to say this, but I almost committed suicide." I gasped. "I didn't think that I could live with myself anymore. I was so depressed, so. . ."

"It's okay. You don't have to explain." I interrupted.

We finally got home without another word spoken. He pushed me up to the doorway and turned me towards him.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked quietly.

I grabbed both sides of his face, caressing his soft cheeks. "You didn't do anything."

I right then pulled him closer to me, kissing him. This is was only the third time I'd ever been kissed, but still it was magical. I let go, and looked into his eyes once more.

"I'll see you later. But now I've got to get inside, okay? I hope you sleep good. Text me if you need prayer."

He agreed and pushed me inside. What did I do to deserve him? The answer was simple, I didn't have to do anything.

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