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We were there, at Disney, with Shawn Mendes.

As soon as we checked through the gate, Mom wanted a picture.

"Alright! Everyone gather together, yes even you Shawn. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can't get in on a picture." We all giggled as mom pulled out her phone. Hunter was behind me, he put a hand on my shoulder. "Alright, everyone smile!" We smiled, or so I thought. Who knew who smiled and who didn't. I laughed at myself.

"Alright let's go!" Mom encouraged. Someone pushed me as we walked into a dream come true. I looked behind me to see Hunter pushing me.

"Hello love." He said, noticing me looking at him.

"Hiya. How've you been? I've barely talked to you today."

"I'm doing great! Seeing you smile is all I need."

"Oh you're too sweet for your own skin."

He shrugged. "It's a gift."

I turned back around to see we were in the middle of DisneyWorld. I screamed like a five year old, while hearing Hunter's laugh behind me. "You're such a girl."

"Hey, it's better than being a boy."


I looked around more. I saw Shawn talking to my friends and I smiled. And even Alex was enjoying himself, probably just seeing Amber so happy and laughing.

"Don't you think they're cute?" I asked Hunter.


"Alex and Amber. Aren't they cute?"

"Yeah, but they aren't us." I could see him smiling at his approach to be sappy.

"Alright, when did you start saying cute things?" I smirked.

"I'm not sure. But I'm almost positive that's how you fell in love with me."

I scoffed. "You wish."

As we walked, I saw a closer glimpse of Cinderella's castle which made me smile. It was so big, and so beautiful in real life.

We walked farther to our first destination, lunch at Be Our Guest. Shawn walked up the the lady at the front desk.

"Hello ma'am. Me and my friends here are awaiting our lunch reservations."

The lady took one look at Shawn and instantly turned beet red. "O-okay s-sir. Wh-what's the la-last name?"


She typed it out and smiled. "Here it is. Mendes, party of ten." Just head through those doors.

"Thank you so much ma'am. Have a good day." Shawn smiled and we walked in. Hunter continued to push me.

As soon as we got a waitress, and we entered the room, I instantly fell in love.

"Oh my gosh, Hunter! Are you seeing this?!" I whisper screamed.

"Indeed I am."

It looked exactly like the ball room in Beauty and the Beast. The giant chandelier, the paintings. It was all magnificent.

The waitress lead us to our table in a secluded area of the room, just because we didn't want any fans of Shawn to attack us. Not like they would, but you know.

Once we were seated, the waitress who's name tag said "Amanda" took our beverage orders and walked away. I was seated between Shawn and Hunter.

"So, what do you think?" Shawn asked me, looking at the menu.

"Of. . . this? It's amazing. Everything about today is amazing and it's barely even started."

Shawn smiled and looked back at his menu.

I then realized I should probably order something. I flipped open the menu and saw that the titles were all Beauty and the Beast themed! Everything was so darn cute! Everything was so expensive too, plus I wasn't all that hungry so maybe I could share with someone.

I leaned across the table to Amber who was chatting with Alex. "Hey Amber?"

"Yes Kai?" She said turning to me.

"Do you mind if I just pick off your food? I'm not all that hungry."

"Sure! I'm not that hungry either." She smiled and continued talking to Alex. They were so cute. The way they talked to each other was so delicate, soft. I rarely heard them raise their voice to each other.

I turned over to Hunter. "Hey, what are you getting?"

"I think a steak with some fries."

"Ooo, that sounds like your kinda deal. I'm liking it."

"Which part?"


He smirked. "You don't know how to flirt, do you?"

"Not really. But that's only because you bumped into me first." I said remembering my first day at Fusion.

"That's only because I didn't know what flirting was."

"So your way of flirting is bumping into people?"

"Possibly. After all, I did it twice."

"That's true, that's true."

We smiled at each other and continued talking. Amanda came back to take our orders and went back. I talked to the girls more, and Shawn.

The food came soon, and everyone dug right in. And here was another moment when everything was right with the world.

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