||Ending Authors Note||

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can we all say wow for a minute here? two books of this series is over, which makes me sad and happy at the same time.

i'm really looking forward to the next book, but nothing compares to the first book, because without it, this book, and the next book wouldn't exist.

praise Jesus for giving me the idea!

and that brings us to my thank you paragraphs!

first off, I thank Jesus for giving me the idea, and first and a half, for my shower, because that's where i came up with the trilogy.

second, i want to thank xxSAVxx because she always pushes me to update😂 but she's more than that. she's someone i bounce my ideas off of, gets me excited to write, and is just there for me in general. i love her so freaking much.

lastly, i want to thank, you! the readers! you who comment, vote, add these two books to your reading lists, & tell me to update! i'm thankful for you, more than you could ever know. you encourage me, and make me love updating just for the sheer fact that you guys love it. even the next book, Soul On Fire, just has the author note published and it has almost 50 reads, and that kinda means a lot even though the number is quite little. it means you're just as excited as i am for it to start!

i can't wait for all of you to read Soul On Fire, it's going to be such a good experience, and we get to go back to camp!

i love you guys! thanks for reading Cause and Affect, and i shall see you guys later!


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