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A couple days later we received a call from Hunter's mom.

"Hello?" Mom answered. "Oh, why hello Kendall! How have you been?. . . I've been doing well. Kaila, not so much." I hid my face. "Oh I see. . . yes of course!. . . Oh my that's wonderful news! I will tell her right away. . . you too. Okay, goodbye."

Mom walked into the living room where she had parked me under some tie blankets.

"Kaila, he's awake."

As soon as we got to the hospital, I wanted to scream, and cry, all of happiness.

"Come on mom!" I hurried her along to help me get out of the car.

"Alright! Hold on!" She shook her head as she got out of her seat, cross to the back, grab the wheel chair, and help me in it.

And with that, we darted inside. Not two minutes later, we were in the hallway by his door.

My heart was pounding and my skin was aching. I needed to see him.

I nodded and mom turned me around the corner. I looked directly at him, he looked at me.

"Kaila?" His raspy voice called to me. I ushered mom to push me to him.

My eyes welled up with tears. "Hi Hunter."

His eyes welled up too, and his voice cracked. "I thought for sure this time you were. . ."

"No. All I did was visit. I'm not allowed to stay. But please promise me you won't try to commit suicide, ever again. Promise me, Hunter Leif." I was trying so hard not to be mad.

"I. . .promise." He stuttered.

A smile broke out in my face. Tears flowed down both of our cheeks. I looked into his eyes, making sure they were in fact the blue I loved.

They were, indeed.

"Mom!" I yelled to her.


"Can you put me next to him?"

"Of course." She walked over and carried me so I could lay next to him.

Once I was next to him, I looked into his dashing eyes. He was here, he was awake, he was alive. His warm body warmed mine as I snuggled close.

"I missed you." I squeaked, tears still flowing.

"I missed you more."

"Hunter, you have no idea what you did to me. For a week and a half straight, I didn't talk to anyone, not even Amber or Alex."

He looked down, he grabbed my petite hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. "I didn't want to even attempt at this. But, because I couldn't lose you, I thought it would be better if I lost myself. If I got rid of the worry, of the pain of losing everyone close to me, then maybe I'd be okay. But I wasn't, so I made sure no one was home before I did anything." He looked up at me. "I'm so sorry."

I laid my head on his shoulder. "Just promise me, you won't do it again. Even if I die again, I will come back. Just be waiting there for me to wake up. Alright?"

"I promise."

"Cross your heart?"

He swiped his pointer finger in an 'X' motion across his chest. "Cross my heart."

— — —

AHHHH!! Kanter is back and my life is better again.

Anyone else get really emotional? *wipes tear* Sheeh.

Well, hopefully Hunter won't do that again..


Well, I'm done. PEACE!

xx Ari

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