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About a week later, Hunter finally got out of the hospital.

There was only two weeks until school starts, but I won't be going. Way to many doctor visits to be going to school, and I was way too sick to get out of bed.

On no particular day after Hunter's arrival home, I heard the doorbell ring. I was laying in bed, feeling slightly better than a normal day in the life of a Leukemia patient.

"Hello guys! She's upstairs in her room." I heard mom say. I heard chatter and footsteps up the stairs.

"Knock knock." Familiar faces appeared in my doorway.

"Good afternoon Penny, Claire, Alexandra, Amber, Alex, and Hunter. How are you all doing today."

"You forgot someone," another familiar face I hadn't seen in a while appear.

"Jordan! I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Two months isn't forever silly." She smiled. "It's good to see you doing well. I brought you something."

Everyone was sitting on the floor of my room, Jordan got up and brought me a basket full of goodies.

"Jordan, you didn't have to do this!"

"Yes I did! You deserve all of it. You're so brave."

"She really is." Hunter agreed. He winked and smiled at me. No matter how many times he did that, I'd always get butterflies.

"So what do you have planned for today." I asked.

"Well, today, we came to give you a very special surprise." Amber announced.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Now shush." She sat on my bed.

"All of us, yes everyone in this room, Kallen, your sister and niece, and mom, are taking you to. . . DisneyWorld!"

I widened my eyes. "No way."

"Yes way!" She argued.

"You're joking."

"Not even close."

"How. . .when. . .why?!"

"How, with money the church has donated. When, in two days. Why, because we know you've had the lamest summer ever after camp, so
we wanted to make it better while we can all be together." Amber explained.

Then Alex, who hadn't said anything, said, "And it was all this guys idea." He shoved Hunter.

"I just, can't believe any of this! I
love you guys so much!"

"We love you too. That's why we did this." Alexandra smiled.

I couldn't believe I had these friends. These were the people who'd change my life, who made this journey not suck.

I hoped they'd stick around. I needed them around a lot more.

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