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The next day, sometime after lunch, Mom received a call from Mrs. Myer that we could go and visit.

My heart skipped a beat. I asked mom to grab my Buzz LightYear sweatshirt and the little box Hunter had given me. We got in the car and we're off to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, Mr. Myer was standing there waiting for us.

"Hello James," Mom greeted.

"Hello, Averynn." Mr. Myer smiled. "And hello to you, Kaila. Ready?" I nodded. "Okay, follow me."

He lead us down the hallway and then to a small room. I fiddled with the box in my hands.

"You can come in Kaila, don't be shy." Mrs Myer said, motioning for me to come in the room.

Mom pushed me in and there laid Hunter Leif Myer. He was sleeping. I rolled next to him and looked at his slightly scratched up face.

I shoved the urge to cry, away and just stared at his face. His fragile, beautiful, peaceful face. It made me remember what I loved about him. All those 10 things I repeated to myself last night.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes were barely open, but I know he saw me.

"Hi, Kaila." He said softly, smiling.

"Hi." I put my hand on his face. He touched my hand. A tear went down my face. With his other hand he took his thumb and wiped away the tear. "Don't cry, my love. I'm right here."

"I know," I whispered. "I'm just happy you are."

I noticed that his parents and Mom went out of the room. I was glad, I needed him just to myself.

I laid my head on the bed right in front of his chest. My head then felt cold. He took my hat off. I sat up. "Hunter give me back my hat."

"No. You don't need it."

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't." He said. "Don't raise your voice with me."

"Sorry." I sat back in my chair. "You know what I noticed?"

"That you're gorgeous?"

I chuckled. "No, that's what you noticed." He smiled. "Last night, I thought about ten things about you, that I love. And each one of those things reminded me how important you are to me. How strong you are, spiritually."

He smiled. He said no words, but with his simple smile, he said thousands.

The doctor and our parents came in and told us I had to leave. I told Hunter I'd come back tomorrow, and once I left the room I completely forgot about the box!

I sighed as we rode home. Mom started talking to me about random things while all that was on my mind was Hunter. He never left my mind, but more often then not he was the only thing I thought about.

When we got home, there was a bouquet of flowers in the living room.

"Who are these from?" I asked.

Mom picked up a letter that was next to it. I opened the envelope, it read:

I can't explain what happened to me without you feeling bad. You had nothing to do with it, but I just wanted to let you know that I was in a car crash. It was all so sudden when I looked just one second down at the picture of us in my car, and then boom. It all happened so quickly. Please, whatever you do don't take the blame. My current state is because of me. Personally I want to thank you, because you're one of the only reasons why I'm here. If God didn't send you, then I might not be alive today.
So thank you, for being the best girlfriend around. I love you so much.
Love, Hunter

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No, this isn't the end of the book. I'm not going to be ending this story for a while, because why not? Plus who else is screaming at how adorable they are😍

so Hunter didn't use his handwriting in the letter because basically he told someone to write what he told them.. make sense?

anywho, thanks for reading! Until next chapter.


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