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After lunch, we decided to meet some characters.

"Can we meet Cinderella?" Jordan squealed.

"How about Belle! I love Belle!" Amber smiled.

"What about Gaston?" Claire asked, getting giggly herself.

"Here's an idea, let's ask Kaila who she wants to meet." Shawn suggested.

Everyone turned towards me.

"Oh, uh. . . how about Ariel?" I suggested.

"Okay! Let's meet Ariel!" We all agreed, heading over to Ariel's grotto.

Once we got there, we saw the line was super long.

"This line looks super long, sweetie." Mom said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Is there someone else you would like to meet?"

"Wait, I just realized I have fast passes for Ariel, Rapunzel, and Anna and Elsa." Shawn realized, digging something out of his pocket.

"Wait really?!" I said, a huge grin on my face.

"Absolutely! Let's go!"

So we used our first fast pass on Ariel. We went down the line, gave our tickets, and waited for Ariel to be done with the next person.

My smile couldn't stop as I realized it was my turn.

The security guard lead me over to where Ariel was sitting. She grinned at me. "Hi sweetheart! What's your name?"


"I love that! Oh, and I love your outfit!" Ariel complimented.

Mom helped me up to the seat next to Ariel. I sat next to her and my face went red.

"So, are you a mermaid too?" She asked, motioning towards my legs.

"Oh," I chuckled. "No, I'm just sick and my legs don't work."

"Oh that's no good! I hope you feel better!"

I smiled. "Thank you. Oh, and I love your hair!"

She stroked it. "Oh, why thank you! These dinglehoppers do magic I'm telling ya!"

"I bet so. I've never tried one, but I'll try it one day!"

"Oh you must. It works wonders. Well, would you like to take some pictures?"

"Of course!" I fumbled around with my phone and swiped upward. "Can we take a selfie?"

"Oo! I don't know what that is, but I'd love one!"

I giggled. I held up my phone for us to take a picture. I snapped a few pictures.

"Wait!" I heard Amber say. "Look at me!" She pulled out her Polaroid. We smiled, as Amber snapped a photo.

"Well, it was so fun to meet you Kaila. I hope you have the best day ever!"

"Thank you so much, Ariel. I will!" Mom helped me once more into my wheelchair, and I moved out of the line and waited until everyone, including Shawn, had met Ariel.

Once everyone was done, Amber handed me the Polaroid she took. I beamed. "This is adorable."

"I know! It's so cute. You better add this to your memory book."

"Oh for sure!"

"So where to next?" Shawn asked, coming around behind me.

"I think we should grab something to drink, I'm thirsty." Amber said wiping her forehead.

"Alright, let's go there first."

A while later, we had met Gaston, Mickey and Minnie, Anna and Elsa, Belle, and Cinderella.

Now it was time for Shawn to leave.

He said goodbye to everyone else first. And then he came over to me.

"It was great to meet you Kaila." He kneeled down.

"And you too. This day has been a dream come true."

"It was a great day for me too. Just remember to keep on fighting. You are such a sweetheart, I loved spending every minute here. It's not too often people spend their wish on meeting me. Oh, and you should check your Instagram." He smiled, and a held out my arms and leaned forward to give him one last hug. Tears started running down my cheeks again.

He let go and took my hand in his. "You are an amazing person Kaila, don't ever forget that." He squeezed it softly, smiled, and stood up.

"Bye Shawn!" The girls said as he gave one final wave goodbye. He was about to leave when a bunch of teenage girls surrounded him, camera's flashing and girls screaming.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Amber. "Today was a great day."

"It really was. You did get a Polaroid of Shawn and I, right?"

"Of course! And me and him too." She gushed, handing me the photos.

"These are adorable."

She nodded. Mom walked over to us. "So how are you feeling honey?"

"I'm doing okay. Sad and tired, but today was a great day."

"Okay, well, we are going to go grab some pizza. Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "No. I just need some water."

She smiled rubbing my hands. I looked down at the photos again. I smiled remembering Shawn, wishing he was still here.

Then I remembered what he told me to do. I took out my phone, and opened up Instagram. I searched Shawn's profile to see a picture of us at Be Our Guest. That's when I read the most heartfelt caption.

"Today was one of the greatest days of my life. This sweet girl has a battle yet to be conquered. Cancer hasn't won yet, so kick its butt @kailajorden! You're strong, and I know you'll make it. Love you sweetheart. Thanks for an amazing day, where dreams come true."

I couldn't help but smile. That's when I felt it needed to post a picture of us. I used the picture at the entrance with all of us there. I captioned it. "Today was the best day of my life. And I can't help but thank Make A Wish Foundation and the genies, @shawnmendes, my mom, my boyfriend, and all of my friends for celebrating it with me. Today took  my normal life, and shoved it aside. I was with all my favorite people. I could've have asked for the best day ever. So thank you! I love you all."

I hit post, and that's when I realized I gained a whole bunch more followers! Shawn's post made me more famous! Then I saw something that caught my eye, Shawn had followed me too!

People were already liking and commenting on my picture.

I felt important. Cancer couldn't kill me, I was going to beat it. No, God was going to beat it for me.

I just needed to win the fight.

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