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Before I even knew it, it was already homecoming, and tomorrow was the dance. Amber and I would get ready together, and then the boys would come over to take pictures.

"What's your dress look like?" I asked Amber.

"It's dark purple."

Dreamily, I replied. "Purple is Hunter's favorite color."

"Oh my gosh, Kaila! You're already dating him. It's not like you're a fourteen year old girl who's in love with a guy who barely knows you exist." She laughed, I laughed with her.

"Okay, you got me. But we actually decided to go with royal blue and yellow."

"Awh, how cute. Alex and I said dark purple, obviously."

Alex was on the football team, so for spirit day at school, Amber wore one of his jerseys. Adorable? I think yes.

"I can't wait for the game tonight, we're going to do so good."

"I know same."

Amber and I finished getting ready for school and we waited for Hunter to
pick us up.

"Bye mom! See you after school!" I said heading out the door, seeing that Hunter had arrived.

Amber and I walked out the door to Hunter's car.

"Hello ladies." Hunter greeted us.

"Hi Hunter." Amber replied.

"Hi sweet." I smiled.

Hunter backed up out of the driveway and we were on our way to school.

"You guys ready for the game tonight?"

"Yes, yes, yes! We are so gonna dominate this year!"

I made a confused look on my face. "What?"

"We've lost practically all of our homecoming games for the past five years in a row." He explained.

"Oh wow."


"DOMINATION!" Amber screamed out the window.

We all laughed.

"Oh crap!" I remember suddenly.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Hunter asked, worried, as per usual.

"No, I just forgot my mask in my room, again."

It was practically the seventeenth time since school started that I forgot to wear my mask. I never remember, I know it probably should be a habit.

"Oh, well in that case, we'll get you one from the office."

I rubbed my hands together, nervously. I then felt nauseated. "Hunter. . ." I said weakly. "I don't feel so good."

"What do you mean?"

"Pull over."


"Pull. Over."

He did as he was told. I instantly got out of the car and poured my guts out. I then started coughing, blood coming with it. My throat was burning, but liquid kept coming out.

Amber came up behind me and rubbed my back. She was saying things, but I couldn't tell what they were. Everything hurt worse. My skin felt like it was getting burned, Amber needed to stop. I didn't ask her too, I couldn't talk.

"Hunter call Averynn!" I barely heard. Then there were sirens, an ambulance maybe?

I felt faint, blood continued to be coughed up. Everything hurt, everything was burning. I wanted my mom, I needed medicine.

Once I felt nothing coming out of me, I fell over on the side of the road. My eyes were slowly shutting. Everything began to sting, cuts, scraped, aching. Once my eyes shut, I felt nothing.

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