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I startled a nurse that was in my room. Then I realized that I had been covered in plastic.

Yep, I died. But for how long?

"Nurse!" I called to her. She screamed and ran out of the room. "I have to find a doctor."

Still feeling weak I tried to get up. Then I remembered that, my legs were paralyzed. I looked down at them. I tried to wiggle my toes. Nothing.

I sighed. Then someone barged into the room, seeing me. It was Doctor Adomsen. His mouth was agape.

"Lydia, get her mother on the phone!"

"Yes, Doctor." whom I assumed was Lydia, responded.

Without a hesitation Lydia left and Doctor was standing in the room, pacing.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, there's nothing wrong," he was lying.

Lydia reappeared. "Her mother should be here shortly."

"Thank you Lydia." He turned back to me. "Tell me some basic information about yourself."

"My name is Kaila Jorden, I am currently sixteen years old, and my birthday is June twenty-first, nineteen ninety-nine. I have two siblings, and my mom. My favorite color is sky blue and I have Leukemia."

He nodded. Not two minutes later my mom appeared in the doorway. She whispered, "Kaila." and dropped to her knees.

"Hi mom." I smiled sweetly.

Mom slowly got up and walked over to me. She touched the side of my face, I held her hand.

"I thought you were gone for sure, I didn't want to loose you."

"You won't mom. Even when times seem hard, always put your trust in God. He'll take care of you."

She smiled. A genuine, caring, understanding smile. Normally the only ones she gave dad, I missed these smiles.

"Am I allowed to go home, Doctor?" I turned to him, still looking astonished.

"Oh, um, I'm going to do some tests on your blood, and heart pressure, but then you can go." He wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. He couldn't believe I was alive. But I could, Jesus had saved me.

I don't know how many times he had to do this, but however many times, it just gave me more faith.

We were walking out the door of the room and mom was wheeling me down the hallway.

With one turn of my head I noticed someone very familiar. "Mom wait! Go back." I pointed to the doorway.


She backed me up and we stopped in the doorway. That's when I saw him. I gasped "Hunter?"

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