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The next morning I woke up groggily. It was the last day we'd be in Florida. And then tomorrow, we'd be home and back to the same routine of going in for chemo, every week.

I put on a t-shirt and my Buzz LightYear sweatshirt, even though it was going to be quite warm, I wanted to wear it. It was quite thin, as well.

Everyone packed up their things, checked out, and we put them with Erik in the limo. We decided to go to Magic Kingdom until we had to leave. Jordan was happy, because now she could meet Gaston. Our flight was at seven this evening, we had to be there by six.

"Alright, where should we go first?" Claire asked

"GASTON!" Jordan practically screamed. "Sorry, I'm just really excited." She blushed.

We laughed. "You're fine Jo." Alexandra reassured. "I guess we'll go there."

"Hunter and I want to go on Big Thunder Mountain if that's okay with you guys." Alex said.

"Sure, but bring Kallen with you. We'll meet you in FantasyLand." Mom said.

"Thank you, Mrs. J." Hunter smiled. Before he left with them, he kissed my head, smiled and ran off to catch up with Alex and Kallen."

The girls and I went to Fantasyland to meet Gaston. We saw him near his Tavern and Jordan freaked out. We all giggles as we walked up to him.

Amber videoed Jordan meeting him on Jordan's phone. After that, we left.

Amber walked next to me. "You know who I want to meet?" She asked.


"Peter Pan."

I gasped. "Yes! Let's do it!" She smiled widely. "Hey Mama? Can we meet Peter Pan?"

"Sure! I'll text the boys to meet us there."

We walked a little farther to meet Peter Pan. After about a half an hour queue until we finally were able to meet him. I videoed Amber meeting him. She attempted to hug him and he grimaced, I laughed.

I met him next, and he was like a little seven year old! So cute tho.

We met with the boys to get a little snack. It was already four in the afternoon.

"Well everyone, lets get another few pictures at the castle and then look around Main Street U.S.A before we leave." Mom said.

We all agreed and went to Cinderella's Castle. We took one giant group picture and got nearby stranger to take a full group photo of us.

"Um, Mrs. Jordan? Do you mind if I get a picture of just Kaila and I by the Walt Disney statue?" Hunter asked politely.

"Of course Hunter!"

Hunter pushed me to the front of the Walt Disney and Mickey statue, he sat on the ledge and put my wheelchair in front of it. We smiled and Mom got the picture.

Then Hunter picked me up out of my wheelchair and sat me on the ledge. He put his arm around me, as I did the same. Amber grabbed the wheelchair so it was out of the picture.

I smiled widely, and right after that, I turned my face to look at Hunter. "Thank you." I said. "For everything."

"I'd do anything for you, love." And before another word could spill, he ever so gently put one hand on my cheek and kissed me. My heart beat was so fast, for we'd never kissed in public before. But I didn't care, because I hadn't gotten to spend any time personally with my boyfriend all week.

"Alright love birds, lets get going." Kallen said. Hunter pulled away, and I did the same looking directly into his bright blue eyes.

"I love you, Kaila." He smiled.

"I love you too, Hunter. Thanks for being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for."

He picked me up and put me back in the wheelchair. "This was the best week of my life." I said, smiling widely.

"It was to me too, love. Me too."


After an hour flight and a four hour drive back home, we were home. Everyone's parent picked them up from our house.

I was helped up to my room, and was placed on my bed. Mom sat on my bed as my eyes began to close.

"This was a pretty great week, huh?"

"Very much so. The best week."

"The best week? What about Fusion?"

"Okay, I have two best weeks. But this week just felt, incredible. I felt like I wasn't a cancer patient, I was an actual human."

"And Hunter fancies you, a lot."

"Oh gosh mom." I covered my face. "I've known that for a while. But I didn't expect what he did today."

"It was pretty special. He's a lucky guy." Mom winked.

"Yeah, well I'm lucky too." I smiled. "I'm going to head to bed now, mom."

"Alright sweetheart. Don't forget to pray before you sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight mom." I smiled as she turned the light off and shut the door. I picked up my phone and went to post something about my week.

I noticed I was tagged in something, I looked to see that it was Hunter.

It was the picture of us in front of the Walt Disney and Mickey statue. I scrolled to the caption. It read:

This week was one the best of my life, because of this lovely lady. Seeing her smile, and seeing how strong she is even in this difficult time. This week was special because I got to spend it with her, and all the special memories we have together. You're the greatest, my love. Thanks for being the best girlfriend a guy can ask for😘

I almost teared up. I liked the photo and commented. "Thanks for everything, Hunter. I love you💕"

I decided I'd post something tomorrow because I was too tired. I quickly texted Hunter a goodnight message, and started to pray.

"Jesus, thanks for this week. Thanks for all my friends and for the greatest mom and brother I could ever ask for. I wish I could view life how you want to but now, going back into my regular life is going to be a hit in the chest. I know you've got me, and I thank you for keeping me alive. I love you, and thank you for everything. In your name I pray, Amen."

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