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It had been a full week without Shaun noticing me. I thanked the Lord on high for that.

Well, until Friday. Hunter and I were walking in to school that day when I noticed Shaun on the other side of the cafeteria.

"I need to use the bathroom." Hunter said. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." I smiled at him as we went to find the bathroom. I sat down on a nearby table and went on my phone for a little bit.

"Well, well, well. Would you look who we have here." I instantly recognized his voice. His cold, sharp tone. I ignored him.

"Kaila Jorden. Ha. I'd never thought I'd see you here." He took a seat next to me. I turned my back to him. "Oh, come on now. You can talk to me, we were friends after all."

"Key word: were." I snapped.

"Ooo, Christian girl's got fire."

"I'm sorry, I need to find Hunter." I stood to go to the bathrooms when Shaun grabbed my arm.

It hurt like a thousand knifes. Cancer was taking a toll on me, but I tried not to let it show.

I spotted Hunter coming down the hallway. "Hunter!" I attempted to scream. Shaun pulled me to him so I was sitting on his lap.

I knew Hunter had seen me. But before Hunter was there, Shaun pulled me in and kissed me. It hurt so bad. Whenever I kissed Hunter, it was never forced and it was gentle. This was like kissing a cow butt.

I pulled away from him and looked directly at Hunter. He was furious. I couldn't tell who he was mad at, but I knew he was.

I pleaded with my eyes, begging him to help me. I was still being held down. I tried stripping my arms from Shaun's grip, but he just pulled harder.

"Hunter.." I whispered. Did Shaun know I was hurting? "Hunter, he—"

He shot me a glare, and went back to staring down Shaun. "Let go of her you—" I'd rather not repeat the words he said.


"Because, if you don't, you'll kill her."

"Psh, I won't kill her."

"You will! Wanna know why?! Because she has freaking cancer! And because she has cancer, and grip you have on her, she could be seriously injured and never be able to move her arms again!" Hunter was practically screaming. He was in flames.

"Oh really?" Shaun said, sneeringly.

"Yes, really. So just let her go, and leave us alone, forever."

It took a couple seconds before he finally let go. Once he did I fell into Hunter's arms. We began to walk away.

"Fine, but don't think I won't find you again." Shaun shouted after us.

"You do, and I'll have you put in jail."

We walked out of the school. "Where are we going?" I asked Hunter.

"We're skipping school today."


"To get away from him."

i know, it was a short chapter, but i felt like there needed to be a little bit of drama before the end of the book. although, this won't be the last time we see Shaun in this series. oh yes, he'll be back XD

anyways, i can't believe this boom is almost done!! it's all so crazy to think about.

only 3 chapters and an epilogue. wowie..

so i hope you enjoyed this chapter maybe a little?

love y'all


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