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"So, Hunter said to dress fancy. How fancy? Dress, fancy? Nice shirt and leggings, fancy?" I asked myself, pacing in the room. "Oh whatever." I decided to throw on a yellow dress that went half way down my thigh and my high-top white converse.

And since I had just gotten out of the hospital this morning, I didn't have the chance to put make up on. So, I put basics on; concealer, foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. I didn't want to go all fancy-like on my makeup so I kept it simple, and natural colors. I made sure my contacts were still in. Then I was finished.

"There." I said completing my look. I smiled at myself in the mirror.

I decided to wait downstairs until it was time to go. I put my mask on; doctors orders!

"Bye Mom!" I said.

"Bye Kai! Be home by eleven." She reminded.


"Have fun sweetie!"

I went out the door and walked to the park. I saw Hunter sitting on one of the swings. I smirked as I concocted a plan to scare him.

I quietly snuck up behind him. I then pushed his back as hard as I could and sent him flying.

"Woah!" He screamed. He turned around and saw me. A devious grin spread across his face. "Oh you're gonna get it!" He started chasing me.

I screeched and ran around the park. We both were laughing as we ran.

He then tackled me to the ground and started tickling me, making me erupt with laughter.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I pleaded, my arms and legs starting to hurt. He stopped for a moment, looked into my eyes, and smiled simply.

"Gosh," He said sighing. "How did I get so lucky?"

"With what?" I asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"With you of course! You're the most perfect person when I need a laugh."

"Oh? Are you saying I'm ugly?" I teased.

His face turned beat read and sat up straight. "No! No, no, no. I mean the opposite actually."

I smirked. "I'm just teasing! Gosh, take a joke." I stood up from my spot, I held my hand out for him to take. He stood and kept holding my hand. "So, why are we dressed so fancy?"

"Well, I thought it would be nice if we did a photoshoot." He said. "I mean, the sunset has perfect lighting."

"I'm up for it." I smiled.

"Yay! My camera is in my bag over there." He pointed to it. He looked at my outfit and then frowned.

I squinted my eyebrows. "What?" I said looking down to see what he was looking at. My bruises and bandaids.

"I just, never realized. . ." He sighed. "How strong you are."

"What do you mean?"

"You're just so incredibly strong. Having leukemia must suck. But you, take it like a true hero." He paused. I took both of his hands in mine. "You're my hero, Kaila."

I then went on my tip toes, pulled off my mask, and kissed him. He wasn't stunned, but instead went with it. He pulled away and smiled down at me. "What was that for?" He asked peculiarly.

"It was a thank you. Thank you for being there for me." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him. It was a while since I had hugged him. I missed his hugs.

We just held there for a while.

"I've enjoyed this, but, shall we photoshoot? We might lose light soon." He said abruptly.

"Oh, right! Of course." I replied, chuckling a little.

After about an hour or so taking pictures, we sat at the very top of the playground and just listened to the wind and to the passing cars.

"This is nice." Hunter said abruptly. "Just being alone with my girlfriend, and just listening to the sounds of nature."

"Yeah, it is nice, I wish we could do it more often."

"Me too." We listened for a little more. "Hey, did you ever look at that thing I got you for you at Disney?"

I laughed aloud. "I haven't thought about that in weeks! I feel bad."

"No, don't! I was actually hoping you hadn't opened it yet. I wanted you to read this as you opened it." He handed me a letter.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll probably have to rummage around everywhere." I chuckled softly. "Thank you, though. I had a lot of fun tonight."

"So did I. And, I'll get those pictures to you A-S-A-P."

"Haha, I can't wait."

My phone buzzed. I looked at the home screen and it was from Amber. Turn around

"Who's that?"

"It's Amber. She says to turn around."

I slowly turned around and it was a bunch of people each holding a letter. It read:


And then I turned to Hunter and he had a bouquet of orange tulips. I gasped loudly.

"Will you do me the honor of being my princess, to homecoming?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh! Yeah!" I hugged him really tight.

This was indeed, one night to remember.

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