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My eyes fluttered open, squinting at the light that filled the space around me. My breath quickened, and my heart raced. What happened?

I looked around the room and saw nurses and a doctor looking at screens.

"She's going into panic mode, we need to calm her down immediately before she hurts herself." The doctor yelled at the nurses.

What? What happened?!

I looked around the room, my eyes stinging. I could feel my heartbeat outside of my heart. What was wrong with me?

Nurses held my arms down, which I didn't realize were moving. My arms stung with the touch of their hands on my arms. I began screaming, only to end up in a cough attack.

"Kaila! Sweetheart! You need to calm down! Shhh." I was told, softly by a nurse gripping my arm.

"You're. Hurting. Me." I strained to say. I looked down at my body realizing my arm had needles sticking in them, but I didn't feel it.

"You need to calm down sweetie. Just rest your head on the pillow, just calm down."

Calm down?! What was I doing?

Soon enough my body relaxed and mask was placed on my nose and mouth. The light went back to black, and I then began dreaming, like nothing has happened.

The next thing I knew my eyes slowly opened to the sound of a heart rate machine, and the quiet sound of birds outside.

". . . she woke up during her blood test last night. We calmed her down. We analyzed the test results and she will be staying her for the next two weeks. In that time she is going to need some radiation therapy, and a round of chemo. Her body is responding well with the chemo, but it's spreading in surrounding areas and isn't being treated fast enough." A voice explained. "I'm sorry to inform you of this. She is ready for visitors at this time, if you wish to. . . of course. . . alright, have a wonderful rest of your day. . . goodbye."

I realized that it was a doctor on the phone. He walked into my room and smiled upon seeing me awake. "Good morning. How are you?"

I shrugged as best I could. "Still fighting, I guess."

His smile didn't fade but instead got bigger. "Yes you are. If your next treatment goes well, you will be able to go back to school until Christmas break."

I offered a small smile and stifled a laugh. I gave a sarcastic, "Woohoo,"

The doctor laughed. "Well, you should be at least a little happy. I'm allowing visitors only for today. I know your family has been dying to see you."

"Not as much as I have." I softly smiled. Then I remembered something. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why did I throw up blood, whilst being sick on the side of the road?"

"I don't know the exact answer to that, but my guess would be your body was trying to get of infected blood."

That would make sense. "Okay. Thank you."

He offered a smile. "Well, I'll leave you to your visitors, and just leave this here." He placed a remote to the TV beside the bed.

"Thank you."

Not long after the doctor left, mom peaked her head in the door and knocked at the door frame.

"Hi mama." I smiled.

"Hi baby." She smiled big. "I hope you don't mind, I brought a few friends, and gifts."

Then a bunch of people, all wearing their "Team Kaila" shirts, flooded in the door. Their voices filled the atmosphere.

"Hey guys, remember to wash your hands and sanitize them. Don't want Kaila getting sick." Mom reminded.

People then began setting candy, flowers, cards, and teddy bears on both sides of the bed, whilst saying hello to me.

Once everyone's hands were cleaned, they all grabbed the few extra chairs around, sitting on couches, standing, or sitting on the floor.

"KAILA!" Amber said smiling really wide and coming next to me. "Don't worry, I'm not sick, I just washed my hands, and sanitized them. . . twice."

We giggled.

"I never did get to say thanks, Amber. I mean it."

"Don't mention it. I'd do anything for my best friend."

Behind her, Hunter peeked out smiling as wide as possible.

"Don't worry," He assured. "I'm not sick, I washed my hands, and sanitized them. . ."

"Twice." We said together. I smiled upon seeing his shining face.

"How are you, my love?" He asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I'm alive."

"Well, that's a relief!" He joked. "I heard about last night. Did you know they were doing a blood test?"

I shrugged. "I mean, they wouldn't have done it if I didn't know. But I did end up waking up in the middle of it. I don't remember much, except they had to put me to sleep during it. I really don't remember anything." That was the truth.

"Hm, weird."


After a couple moments of just listening to others conversations. Hunter laid down in the empty space next to me. I put my head on his shoulder.

Mom then saw us and pulled out her phone. "Smile!" She said, snapping a picture of us. She turned it around and showed us. Our smiles were glowing, just like they were any picture we had.

He's my best friend, my other half. He always brings out the best in me. Even if it's in a hospital bed.

"I'm sorry you can't go to homecoming with me." I said, worry in my voice.

"Don't worry about it." He said wiping it away. "As long as I'm with you, I'm happy. We still have prom." He smiled.

"Knowing me, I'll probably mess that up too." I smiled just thinking about it. "Ha, if you can get me into a dress and dance with me, that's your best shot at getting to dance with me."

He took this into consideration, for he didn't respond for a while. "Hm. I'll have to think about that." He chuckled.

"You two are the cutest thing." Alexandra smiled.

Amber took out her polaroid and snapped a picture. "I would agree."

So did I. I was glad he was here. And he was right, so what if the homecoming dance was tonight, as long as I was surrounded by my friends and family. What more could I need?

AWH!! Kanter is my favorite thing to write about tbh😍

anywhoddle, I've decided to let y'all know that there are only SIX chapters left in this book! + an epilogue.

I know you guys have been waiting for Soul On Fire for a while, as have I. SO with that said, I will be starting that book as soon as this one is over!

So, be prepared friends! Big things are coming up in this book soon!

until next time! *curtsies*


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