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After a weekend of powerful prayers, healing's, and fun, it was time to find out the truth, was the cancer really gone?

I slept most of the way home on Saturday. Sure the hotel bed was comfortable, and it was the best I'd ever slept in months, I was still tired from all the energy I'd used.

"Kai," Hunter's soothing voice woke me, "time to wake up sleepy head. We're back at church."

My eyes fluttered open. I realized I'd been laying on his shoulder. "We're back already?" I groaned, lifting my head off of his shoulder. I yawned while stretching my back from being in one position the entire time.

"Yes we are. I'm surprised you slept the entire time, everyone was so loud."

I chuckled. "Well, after not being able to sleep very well for what, eight months, I need a lot of sleep."

He laughed too. The car pulled up in the parking lot. I saw my mom talking to a couple others, and I got really excited to tell her what had happened.

The door to the van was opened, and everyone filed out. When I got out, I ran to my mom and gave her the biggest hug of my life. I hadn't been able to do that, in a very long time.

"Kaila! Oh my gosh, you scared me." She said, putting a hand to her chest. 

"Mom, you're never going to believe what happened to me." I said, letting go.

"What happened to you?"

My face lit up as I pulled off my coat and showed her my arms. She gasped. "Mom, God healed me!"

Mrs Gale was standing next to us, also gasped. Amber came up to her mom and gave her a hug.

"Kaila! That's wonderful news!" Mrs. Gale also knew how exciting this was.

Mom smiled at me, tears filled her eyes. "This is really wonderful." She then laughed a small bit. "This doesn't mean I'm canceling your doctors appointment on Tuesday."

"I know that. I actually want to go back in, and show them what God did for me. They're all going to be amazed!"

Mom laughed. "Yes, yes they are."

Hunter: Are you nervous?

Me: Not one bit. This doctors appointment is going to change history!!!

I laughed while typing. We were on our way to the hospital for my check up. I was giddy the entire trip.

"Gosh, Kaila. You're going to bounce through the roof if you don't settle yourself." Mom commented, laughing.

"Yeah Kaila, geez, calm yourself." Kallen mocked from the back seat.

I gave him a death glare. "Just because you weren't there, doesn't mean you shouldn't be excited, too."

"Okay, okay. I am happy for you, I really am." He gave me a smile.

I playfully smiled too.

We pulled into the parking lot, and once the car stop I bolted out of my chair.

"Come on, come on, come on! Let's go!"

"Kaila, we're in no rush," Mom started. I cut her off.

"But I am! I want to see the results."

"I don't know if you'll see the results right away, sweetie, it might take a couple days."

"Well even if it does, I still want to see their faces when I show them how strong and confident I am."

And that's just what I did. When I walked into the doctors office, even the receptionist, who had seen me multiple times in the darkest of my appointments. She commented on how strong I looked, and how amazing it was to see that just in a few weeks I'd already looked stronger.

I told her that I was nothing without God. She just simply chuckled, while signing me in.

When we waited for the nurse to call us, there was a small girl with tubes in her nose. She looked to be about four or five. She just sat there next to her mom, an oxygen tank sat on the floor.

I instantly began to pray in the spirit for her health. The nurse called my name, and Kallen, Mom and I all stood, going with the nurse.

She lead us to a check up room, and we awaited for her to do the usual blood check.

I had these regularity, just to see if the cancer had gotten any worse.

But I was for sure that this time, the cancer would be gone.

Days passed by before we got the letter in the mail. When I checked the mail, I got giddy when I saw it.

I ran back inside, and flung off my coat. I instantly opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Parent or Gaurdian,

As a part of the Waupaca Cancer Center, we are pleased to say that Kaila Jorden is 100 percent cancer free!

I screamed, and ran around the house saying "God is so good!"

My family came to where I was and I showed them the letter. We all began screaming and thanking Jesus for this day.

I was so grateful, this was a total dream come true. God answered my prayers, and I was no longer a patient to leukemia.

I was a hundred and ten percent me again. What more could I ask for?


OH MY GOSH! this ending literally made me so happy writing it, even though all of us probably saw it coming.

disclaimer: i'm not sure how the end process goes for when cancer patients are told they are cancer free, so i came up with this. i'm sorry if i'm wrong😂

but i'll stop this author note here and leave the rest to the ending author note!


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