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It was finally the night, before the day, that everyone had been looking forward to since camp ended. Fusion Fire was tomorrow!

Amber and I were sleeping over at her house, because tomorrow evening we would be going to the church to head off to Fusion Fire!

I had all of my clothes packed for the weekend, including some medication.

We sat on Amber's bed, and she was telling me all about her past memories. Apparently they just changed the name, like this year to Fusion Fire. It used to be called February Fire.

Anyways, when it was time to sleep, Amber and I just couldn't fall asleep. We were way too excited for tomorrow.

"Are you sad that Alex isn't going?" I asked, as we laid in the dark.

"Yeah, I am. It won't be the same, I know that for sure." She replied. "But, it'll be fun with you going with!"

I smiled. "I agree."

We ended up talking until about one, and then both of us fell asleep.

The next morning, Amber was the first one to wake up.

"It's Fusion day!" She squealed.

I groaned. "How are you so awake?"

"I'm always excited for anything related to camp."

I put my face directly on the pillow, and made a sound that sounded like a cow. Amber laughed.

"Come on sleepy head! Time to get ready!"

"Stop. Being. So Happy! I might put you to sleep." I said, sarcastically.

She ended up laughing even harder than before, and it was so contagious that I joined in.

"Oh By the way, we're meeting the boys for breakfast in a half an hour at Starbucks, so hurry yourself up." Amber says, sashaying over to her closet.

"You did not tell me this!" I instantly got up, and rummaged through my nicely packed suitcase. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a white off the shoulder top, and a leather jacket - courteous of my brother.

"Girl, you look good!" She gave me a look of wow-you-look-really-good and a look of you're-really-gonna-wear-that-when-we-travel.

"Oh don't worry, I'm changing into a sweatshirt when we get to the church."

She smiled. She got dressed in jeans and a cute flow-y blouse thing.

We both went downstairs. "Good morning Mrs. Gale. How are you this morning?" I said, walking up to her in the kitchen.

"I'm doing pretty well, Kaila, thank you. What about yourself?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Her British background peeping out in her voice.

"Just tired, but good as well."

"I heard you are going on a little breakfast double date this morning, am I correct?"

"Yes, we are." Amber said, eating a grape that was on the counter in a bowl.

"Well, you both have fun, and promise you'll both be back before you have to leave tonight?"

"Of course, mum, we will." Amber smiled, going around the counter and kissing her mother in the cheek.

"Oh, and Kaila, I talked to your mum this morning, she said to be careful this weekend, and have a good time." Mrs. Gale said to me.

I returned a smile. "Tell her thank you for me."

I was curious as to why she didn't tell me that herself. I checked my phone to see that she hadn't texted me, or even called me.

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