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"Hey Kaila." The doctor peeked in the doorway.

"Hello Dr. Adomsen."

"How are you feeling today?"

I shrugged. "The same as always."

"Like you want crawl in a hole and die because you're hurting so bad?"

"Pretty much." I agreed, giving a little laugh.

"Yeah, that's how most of the other patients feel too. Well, today we're going to give you your monthly treatment."


"You ready? Your mother is in the waiting room."

"Okay, thank you."

"I'm going to have to get ready. I'll give you until 1:30."

"Thank you Doctor Adomsen." He gave a smile and left the room. I sighed. I coughed a little as my mom appeared in the doorway.

"Knock Knock." Mom grinned.

"Hi mom." I replied as she came in and sat by me. She noticed the Polaroid camera.

"Who's is that?"

"That's mine. Amber gave it to me yesterday."

"Well! Isn't that sweet of her!"

"Yep. She's so nice."

"She's a very sweet girl." Mom
paused. "Have you talked to Hunter lately?"

I thought about it. Come to think about it, I haven't. "Not really. I guess he's just busy."

"That's too bad. I hope you can see him soon."

"Me too. I've missed him."

Mom gave a small laugh. "Believe it or not, I have too. He's already become a son to me."

"We've only been dating for two months, mom."

"Well, I know! He's just around so often. He's such a sweetie."

I smiled thinking of him. "Yeah. He is."

"Oh hey! That reminds me, he wanted me to tell you to go on Instagram." She handed me, my phone.

"Can you open it and show me?"

"Oh, right. Of course!" She looked down at my phone and tried pulling it up. Mom was kind of a cool one. She knew how to operate any social media for me, because I couldn't do it.

She held the phone up to me to show me what he posted. It was a picture of me, like I am now. It was captioned:

Please pray for my love. She's really sick right now, and is going through so much. She's fighting the good fight being a cancer patient, and I don't want her to leave without a great one. Please send all the love to the love of my life! @kailajorden ❤️😘

I instantly teared up. "Can you like it for me?"

"Already done." Mom smiled.

She looked down at her watch. "Well, it's time for me to go. I love you baby."

"Love you too mom."

"Stay strong."

"I always do."

— — —

This chapter is so sweet awh. Sorry for the lack of excitement. I just needed a filler...

I need more ideas and plot twists! Ugh! Mind helping me out?

Thanks for reading guys!! I hope it wasn't too boring(:

love y'all!

xx Ari

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