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Alright so honestly, I have no idea what happened to Kaila is an actual thing, but it's a book, so keep that in mind alright? Mkay thanks.

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The next few weeks, I was stuck at the hospital. It turned out that I lost feeling in my legs because the cancer cells blocked the nerves that go through my legs. Nice right?

Finally, I was able to go home for a couple weeks. The instant I got inside, I saw Kallen sitting on the couch.

"Kallen!" I said as loud as I could. I couldn't muster enough strength to yell, so I ended up in a cough attack right afterward.

"Kaila!" He said running up to me. Carefully giving me a hug in my wheelchair. "Are you okay? How have you been? I missed you so much!"

"I'm okay, Kallen." I chuckled a little. "I missed you too!"

"Oh there's someone in the backyard. He said he wants to see you."

Without thinking my brain thought it was Kaleb or Dad, but then I remembered they weren't here anymore.

I wheeled myself to the sliding door that lead to the backyard. I looked around, until I saw Hunter standing in the middle of the backyard with his guitar. I grinned as widely as I could.

Kallen helped me down onto the cement that lead under the deck. I was positioned close to where he was.

Once I heard the sliding door close, Hunter started playing his guitar. Then he started to sing. He walked closer to me and say right in front of me, staring directly into my eyes.

"I've tried to understand the meaning of love,
but I never truly found it
until sometime ago.
Please take my hand, and don't let go!

You, you brought the best in me, me.
the part I hardly see, see
the part you have I know oh
the part I gave to you
the piece of me I don't ever want back cause I gave it all to
my true love."

As he continued, tears welled up in my eyes. He wrote a song for me. Once he concluded, I clapped as loud as I could, tears falling down my face.

He stood up and kissed the top of my head, then dried the tears from my eyes with his thumbs.

"Hunter, that was gorgeous. I can't believe you wrote that for me."

"Of course I would. You're my love. All of what I said was true. I love you Lah." He wrapped what he could around my motionless body. He then picked me up, softly, carefully.

He held my legs as he continued to embrace me. Then he walked over to the hammock we had under the deck and gently set me down. He slid in next to me.

"What did you do that for?" I asked looking his way.

"Oh don't act like you don't like it." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You wish."

He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head. For a while, we just sat like that in each other's presence. I put my head on his shoulder as he rocked us.

You could say I was pretty lucky. I guess, I'd say that too. Because without him, I might already have been dead.

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