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He brought me out to ice cream. It was probably the most special thing he's ever done for me. He got my favorite combination of ice cream named after me!

It's vanilla, with superman covered in covered in chocolate. They called it "Kaila's Fav."

"Hunter. You are seriously the sweetest person ever." I said as I licked the ice cream. It was hot outside, but it was okay. As the cold treat dripped down my hand, I tried my best to try and lick it off my hands.

"No. You are, because you have ice cream on your nose."

"Oh really? Can you get it for me?" I batted my eye lashes.

He reached his hand across the table and wiped it off with a napkin.

"Not like that!" I whined. "Try again." I put a dab of ice cream on my nose.

He stood up out of his chair and kissed my nose, then my lips to get the ice cream off. "Was that better?"

"Very much so." I smiled at him as he sat down across from me again. I licked the ice cream off my hand.

Hunter kept looking at me. I looked at him, and down at my ice cream, then back at him.

"What are you staring at?" I asked continuing to lick the melting ice cream off my hand, once more.

"You." He grinned. I have never seen him like this before.


"Why not! Can't a boyfriend stare at his girlfriend once and a while?"

I rolled my eyes. "Staring is rude, Hunter."

"So? You're adorable eating that ice cream."

I smirked and then continued. "Eat your ice cream or I'll shove it in your face!"

He audibly gasped. "I was just doing my civic duty as your lover! If you insist, I'll eat it." He took a wimpy bite out of the side of the cone. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Wimp." I whispered under my breath taking a bite of mine.

"What was that?" he asked leaning his elbow on the table, ice cream also dripping down his hand.

"Nothing." I looked away innocently.

"Was that a challenge I smell?"

"Uh. . ."

"Aha! You did say wimp! he accused.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I did! What are you going to do about it?"

"I propose a challenge." He smirked. I raised my eyebrows.

"What kind?"

"Who can take the biggest bite of their ice cream without saying it's too cold."

I bit the inside of my lip, looked down at my ice cream, and smirked. "You're on!"

He sat up on his chair and put his elbows on the table, the cone in front of his face. "Ready?"



We both took a huge bite out of it. I ate mine slowly. It was super cold but I wasn't willing to let him win!

I kept my poker face as professional as I could, while staring into Hunter's dazzling blue eyes. He was gonna lose, or was he? Instead of finishing the bite and leaving it be, he took another bite!

He wanted to either buy more ice cream, or win really bad and I wasn't up for that; I followed suit.

We repeated that until he had completely finished his cone. When he was finished, he smirked.

"Who's the wimp now?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

I took the last few bites of my cone and chewed until they were gone.

"Neither of us, I suppose. You've proven your point. So now, it's my turn to treat you out."


"Of course! Now come with me."

I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. I swung our hands back and forth as I lead us to the nearest Starbucks.

"Aww, Kaila! You know me so well." He put his free hand on his chest. I smiled widely as we stood at the counter to order.

I got a Strawberry and Creme Frappé, while he got an iced coffee.

"That's not coffee." He complained as I handed the cashier a ten dollar bill.

"So? I like it, so shush and be thankful."

I grabbed his hand and led him outside to a cozy table for two with an umbrella. I slid my chair next to his.

"Don't sit next to me. I smell!" He complained, trying to scoot away. I held onto his chair so he couldn't move.

"So do I! Would you prefer to drink your ice cube of coffee inside in an ice cube, or outside in an oven?"

He thought about that for a minute. "Outside it is." He wrapped an arm around me. I was always right. Even though I had Leukemia, when I was with Hunter, I felt normal again.

But, even if I died, I wouldn't regret anything I did with him.

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