⇝ three ⇜

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A/N: As promised. Here goes nothing

Chapter 3

“What!” I screamed. When did they kiss? Why didn’t I know? She didn’t even tell me. “Yeah.” She smiled sheepishly. “When? Where?” I asked. “Okay calm down I’ll tell you everything.” She said.

*Flashback (Frankie’s POV)*

Harry and I walked around the arena and I told him everything that happened. How I had gone to Brandon’s flat and saw him with Haley. “I’m so sorry love. He is a prick and didn’t realize how amazing you are.” Harry said wiping my tears away. I faked a smile and he intertwined our hands. I didn’t mind. With Harry I felt safe and just wanted. He helped me calm down and said soothing things. I had stopped crying and pretty soon I was laughing. We stopped to look at the stage and how big it was. I hugged him to thank him for helping. As we pulled away he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked and happy. He smiled and kissed my forehead. We started walking again and we were still holding hands. I stopped and turned to face him. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Why? Why are you being nice to me and pretending you care?” I frowned. “I’m being nice because I care about you and I want you to be happy.” He said biting his lip. He looked mad but his voice was still calm so I couldn’t tell. “One Direction Concert will begin letting people inside the building in 2 minutes.” A voice announced. Harry and I let go of each other’s hands and we walked back to the others. I needed to tell Ari but I’m not sure how she will react. She is eyeing us and looking to see if something’s up. She and Zayn look happy together and I hope things work out for them. I like Harry, I do but he doesn’t like me and I shouldn’t waste my time.

-Currently, Ari’s Pov-

Harry and Frankie, awh they are so cute. “Awwh that’s so cute!” I squealed. She laughed at me for being such a dork. “So you aren’t mad?” she said, more serious now. “No I understand.” I smiled.  

We spent the rest of the night eating candy and watching movies. Eventually we fell asleep and I rolled over to find Frankie lying beside me in my bed, snoring lightly.

“Frankie, go to your room.” I groaned. I know what you’re thinking, why does she have a room at your house.  Well we are like sisters and we spend a lot of time with each other so we both have rooms at each other’s houses.  

My house has 12 bedrooms and only 2 are occupied on a daily basis. My brother’s room is empty because he is away at college, but he is visiting now.  Frankie still lay beside me so I kicked her and she landed on the floor with a loud thud. She was wide awake. “What’s wrong?” She said alert.

“You were snoring, go to your room.” I said. She pouted and stomped out of my room. I sighed and placed a pillow over my face. I screamed but it was muffled by the pillow.  I looked at my alarm clock and groaned. It was 4 in the morning. Great.

I ended up falling asleep again and I woke up to Frankie jumping up and down on my bed screaming. I sighed and sat up. “What is going on?” I asked irritably. “Harry asked me out and he said we are going to double date with you and Zayn.” She screamed. “What time is it?” I fell back down on my soft pillow.  “It’s 10am.” She said.  I got up and took her phone from her and read the text.

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