Chapter 45

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a/n: Thanks to my best friend for giving me an idea for this chapter. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!

Today I have a rehearsal type thing for the movie and I don’t want to go. I’m going to have to sit in a room with all of the other important actors and we have to go over our lines.

I’m exhausted and my stomach is killing me. I got dressed very slowly and took a seat next to Zayn. Due to the pain in my stomach, it was hurting me to walk. This is just great.

I shook Zayn until he woke up. “Can you drop me off?” I whispered. He nodded and then proceeded to get ready. I feel like I should eat something but I know that it will probably make my stomach hurt even more so I decided against it.

After like 10 minutes, I finally made it to the car and I sat there taking deep breaths while waiting for Zayn. When he got in, he gave me a worried look and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Not really. My stomach hurts so badly I can barely walk.” I groaned.

“Well then why are you going to this thing for your movie?”

“I can’t get out of it.”

He didn’t say anything, he just drove. I don’t understand why this meeting is so early. It’s now 8:30 and the meeting is at 9. Don’t they understand that people are tired?

Zayn parked the car and looked over at me. “Thanks for dropping me off. My car should be ready soon.” I said. “No problem. What time do you need me to pick you up?”

“Around 1. Are you busy today?”

“Well we have a concert tonight so I have to definitely be at sound check but I also need to go to the studio and record so I’ll probably go there now.” He informed me.

“Alright. I’ll call you.”

“Love you.”

“You too.” I frowned, leaning towards him.

Zayn laughed and pecked my lips softly. I slowly got out of the car and made my way inside the building. I took two painkillers so I would feel somewhat better. I took a seat in the lobby with all of the other actors and actresses and looked around. Most of them were staring at me and I felt slightly uncomfortable.

I pulled out my phone and pretended that it was the most amazing thing in the world. I clicked on the twitter app and looked at the latest trends. Finally the director and producers called us inside the big conference room.

Each seat has the name of every actor who played a big part in the movie. I found mine and slowly sat down not making eye contact with anyone.

While we were going over our lines, we sort of got to know each other and it was pretty cool. I was a little nervous but everyone else seems nice.



I texted Zayn to come pick me up after we finished. When I spotted his car, I hurried over to it and got inside. “How was it?” He asked while intertwining his hand with mine. “It was okay for the most part.” I shrugged.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah a little. I took some painkillers earlier.”

“That’s good. Babe can you come to my concert tonight.” He begged.

“Zayn I don’t know.”

“Please.” He whined.

“I’ll come.” I pouted. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He drove to the arena where the concert would be and we went inside. Since the boys didn’t have sound check until 5 and it is now 2, Zayn said we could hang out in his dressing room.

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