⇝ one ⇜

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So this story used to have 100 chapters and I edited it and managed to fit all of the chapters in 50 parts so we can continue. In doing so, the story lost over 25k reads, 1,000 votes, and 300 comments.  Voting and commenting would be a big help to help the story back to it's spot.

 Copyright © 2014 Batmantho

Chapter 1

“Aria, come down here.” My mother yelled again for the tenth time. I rolled my eyes again and sighed. She's being so annoying.  “One second” I repeated. I ran my fingers over the keys of my laptop, thinking.

I was trying to think of the right thing to say for my blog. I had to finish this within the next few minutes because I post it at the same time every week. She called my name once again and I knew things wouldn’t be pretty if she had to come up here to get me.

 Clearly annoyed, I finished the sentence I was typing and posted it. This weeks update is going to suck and it's my own fault for procrastinating. I have blog about One Direction, but before you categorize me as one of those girls, let me explain.

I’m not your typical blogger. I don’t post things about them saying how wonderful they are. Actually it’s the complete opposite. I absolutely hate each and every one of them.

I closed my laptop and put my phone in my pocket before running downstairs. She wasn’t in the living room, so I walked into the only other place she could be. "Yes?" I asked while walking into the kitchen. I hopped onto the counter and watched her cook.

"Ari, sweetie, there's someone at the door." She said shooing me off the counter. My jaw dropped and I just stared at her with a look of disbelief. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, crossing something out on a piece of paper.

"You called me all the way down here to answer the door when you were ten feet away? I was doing something." I complained, leaving the kitchen. I had a frown on my face the entire walk to the door, which was approximately 15 steps from where my mother is.

I opened the door to see my best friend, Frankie, glaring at me. "What?" I asked her, rolling my eyes. What is going on with everyone?

"It's freezing Ari and I've been standing here for 10 minutes." She snapped.

Well excuse me then. I don't recall asking her to come over.

I was surprised to see her here, but then again I wasn't. We always hang out but it's pretty early for her. I helped her out of her two layers of clothing and she began rubbing her arms. I held my arms out and she hugged me tightly.

"It's so cold out there." She shivered, letting go of me. "Well it is like 10 degrees." I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Who was at the door?” My mum asked, coming into the living room.

“Oh I don’t know.” I shrugged. Frankie bit back a smile and my mum shook her head. Before the two of them could have an hour long conversation I grabbed her arm and yanked her up the stairs.

"Hello Frankie." My mother yelled. Gosh she is so annoying. I scoffed and Frankie laughed before saying hi back.

I sat back down in front of my laptop, checking to see if there was anything new in the social media. "Did you post your blog?" She asked, plopping onto my bed.

"Of course."

"I don't even know why you hate them so much."

“Because they think they’re so much better than everyone, they’re stuck up and think that they’re so hot,” I stated.

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