Chapter 23

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A/N: Sorry. It's been a long week. Im updating everyday now for the next 4 or 5 days(: Please vote and comment!

"What?" Everyone said at once. "I did it." I said shakily. "Ari what. Why are you lying." Zayn face palmed himself. “What did you say miss?” The officer said. “I did it. I killed him.” I rushed out. “No she didnt.” Zayn said. “Yes I did.” I glared at him.

I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with me and why I am going to jail for something I didn’t do but Frankie is my best friend and she isn’t ready for jail.

Fuck I’m not even ready for jail. “Did she do it?” The officer asked Frankie. She hesitated but I spoke for her. “Why would I lie about killing someone. I did it.” I said more confident. The uncuffed Frankie and placed them on me.

Zayn stood there staring at me in disbelief. They started to pull me away. I swear I saw a single tear fall down Zayn’s face. I turned and kept walking. If he cried then I would too. The cuffs were digging into my skin and it hurt terribly. The set me inside the car and started driving.

The drive to the police station wasn’t long. We got out of the car and they pulled me inside. The others were standing there talking to the Sheriff. “Aria are you okay.” Zayn ran up to me. “I’m fine. Are you okay?” I faked a smile.

“Yes babe we’re getting you out of this. Frankie already told them it was her and they know you werent here. There’s nothing you can do.” He sounded sympathetic and happy at the same time.

I heard the metal surrounding my arm hit the floor. I hugged Zayn and let go. I watched them place Frankie in a holding cell. Harry was crying. I felt bad for them. “We’ll get you out.” Liam said reassuringly.

They asked us to come to the front to talk. We walked up there and Harry was still crying but trying to hide it. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. I stood on my tiptoes and hugged him. “It will be okay. Everything will be okay. I promise.” I said shakily.

Zayn and the others were talking to the police officers. “I’m sorry guys but she is going to have to stay overnight.” The sheriff said. “What! No she can’t.” Harry’s voice cracked. “She can’t please isn’t there anything we can do.” Louis said. “I’m afraid not. Her bail will be set at 100 thousand dollars. But you have to pay it tomorrow.” the man shrugged.

“Tomorrow! That’s too long.” I yelled. “Sorry.” The officer said and walked away. We ran over to Frankie’s cell. “We can’t get you out until tomorrow.” Liam apologized.

“That’s okay. I always wanted to spend the night in jail.” She laughed half heartedly.

“I love you okay. I always have and I always will. Please be careful.” Harry pleaded.

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