Chapter 48

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I felt relieved having Zayn’s mother and sister here. It was relaxing to not have to be worried about Amber 24/7. Having Waliyha and Tricia here also made it easier for me to finish my homework.

I submitted it and went back in the main part of the flat where they were. I took a seat next to Zayn and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “So Ari, how’s being a mother so far?” Waliyha asked.

“Horrifying. I find myself worrying about her nonstop and I’m not sure I’m doing a good job at it.” I chuckled.

“The worrying part never goes away. Zayn here just turned twenty three two days ago and I still worry about him.” His mum explained.

“She’s doing an excellent job. It’s natural for her.” Zayn said. I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped his arm. We hung out with two of them for a few more hours until they left to go to their hotel. They told us they’d be back first thing in the morning.


“Babe she’s crying.” Zayn mumbled. I groaned and got out of the bed. My feet dragged me into Amber’s room, I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. After about thirty minutes or so, I was finally able to get her to stop and she fell asleep again. I was so exhausted it wasn’t even funny.

I crawled back into the bed and went to sleep, hoping that Ammie would stay asleep until about six-ish. She started to cry again at 4:30 so I got up with her again, while Zayn was peacefully sleeping. Now I’m wide awake and I can’t go back to sleep.

I walked into the living room and set Amber in her chair then went into the kitchen and started to make coffee.

Zayn never gets up with her, he just expects me to do it and it’s annoying. I can’t sleep when my baby is crying, it just bothers me to the point where I need to check on her.

My coffee finished and I poured myself a cup of it before sitting down on the sofa. I turned on the tv and sipped my coffee. There was nothing really interesting on so I watched American Horror Story.



Amber is now two weeks old and we are flying back to the U.S. Part of me feels like going back is the best thing to do for my child, and for my marriage; but, the other part of me thinks going back will only be a mistake.

I’m afraid of getting into an argument or there being some big secret that will ruin everything. I’m not so much worried about myself in these situations because I’ll be fine. I am more worried about Amber and her safety and being the best mother I can.

I carried Amber through the dirty airport and covered her face so she could avoid all of the germs in the air. The last thing I need right now is for her to get sick.

We boarded our flight and I took the seat in the middle. Zayn sat on the outside and rested his hand on my thigh.

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