Chapter 40

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~Wedding Day~

It’s 7 in the morning. I hardly got any sleep last night because of how nervous and excited I am. I tapped Zayn and woke him up. He hugged me tighter. “Are you nervous for today?” I asked.

“Sort of. I know you are.”

“I am. There are so many what ifs.”

“Everything will be perfect.”


“It will. When do you have to leave?”

“In 30 minutes.”

“I love you. Don’t keep me waiting today.”

“I have to go. I’ll see you later.” I told him.

He leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and got up. I got in the shower and washed my hair. I threw on some clothes and woke Zayn up again. He is going to be late if he goes back to sleep. I gathered all of my things and went outside. I let the car warm up and I texted Frankie, Kaye and El telling them to hurry up.

Slowly they all got into the car. “I’m so sleepy.” Frankie said beside me. “Me too.” I sighed. “Starbucks stop.” El said. We drove to Starbucks and ordered coffee.

We finally arrived at the place the wedding would be taking place at. The wedding is in five hours. I sat down and got my hair done. I wanted to sleep but I had to move my head in the direction Lou needed it.

My three best friends all sat around getting their hair done by Lou’s assistants. We were all joking and laughing. Since my hair is long it took a while to do. Altogether it took about three hours. I was so uncomfortable.

Once my hair was done Lou left to go do Zayn’s hair. I had to sit for an hour getting my makeup done. I was really ready for this day to end. I want this to be a good day but I can’t help but stress.

Getting my makeup done was the worst part. I had to keep my face relaxed and I couldn’t move. I was thinking the whole time so here and there I would frown. The makeup took about an hour.

I had one hour left until the wedding. Time went by extremely slow, yet really fast.

Thirty minutes had passed and then I had to get dressed. Frankie, Kaye, and El helped me put the dress on. The three of them put their dresses on and we sat around talking.

“In about an hour you are going to be Mrs. Malik.” Frankie laughed.

“I’m extremely nervous and excited.”

“Don’t be. Just breathe.” Kaye said.

“Yeah I mean there’s only going to be like a hundred people watching.” El said.

I started to hyperventilate. I took deep breaths. I got a text message from Zayn.

From: Zayn Ten minutes x

I wanted to explode. It’s only ten minutes away. I was starting to feel sick. Before I knew it, it was time to go.

I was taking deep breaths. The time came and I slowly left the room we spent the morning in. I walked behind Frankie. I kept my gaze on the ground until we entered the room.

Once I stepped in all eyes were on me. I looked past all of the people and kept my gaze on Zayn. He was smiling at me. I slowly walked down the aisle. I blushed and after what seemed like forever I was standing next to Zayn.

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