⇝thirteen ⇜

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We were waiting for the signal. Zayn’s phone beeped alerting us that it was time. I had water guns with me, I don't know why but they were well needed. We all took our positions. El was guarding the bedroom door while Zayn and I were to protect Niall while he got the pizzas. We opened the door and I stepped out aiming my gun and looking all around.

I felt like someone in the FBI. Niall leaned over the balcony to grab the pizzas. Zayn was holding onto his shirt while I had the water gun aimed in the direction of the main part of the hotel room. Niall got them and we ran back into the room. There was just one problem, El was gone. What? I grabbed my phone and texted Louis.

To: Lewis- What the hell! You stole El? Thats cheating

From: Lewis- No she came willingly

El would never go willingly. I know something must be wrong. We had ordered 12 pizzas because we weren't sure how long this little thing would last. Before i had even finished my first slice Niall was already on his second box. Zayn was catching up to Niall and pretty soon I lost count. I ate another slice and texted El.

To: Ellie- You left willingly or you were taken?

From: Ellie- Taken duhh I would never go willingly

I knew it!

“Knew what?” Zayn and Niall looked at me.

Oops I said that aloud. “Yes you did now what did you know?” Niall asked. “Well El they took her. She didn't leave willingly.” I explained. “Thank you for stating the obvious babe now how are we getting her back?” Zayn started munching his food again.

“We can kidnap Harry! I would say Liam but Frankie would go crazy and make them surrender.” I whispered. “Hey that might work.” Niall said talking with his mouth full. Is it weird that I am craving Zayn’s lips.

I don't know. They're just so soft and perfect and perfect. “Yeah that’s weird. Awkward.” Niall laughed causing me to choke on my pizza. My cheeks were flushed. “I think it’s cute and I know they are perfect huh? Thats what Molly told me.” he puckered his lips. I slapped him in the back of the head and laughed.

“Dude, seriously, who is Molly.” I frowned. “My dog.” he laughed. “Zayn shut up.” I playfully slapped his arm. “Okay guys hey I’m here too.” Niall interrupted us. “Of course! How could we forget you.” i pinched his cheeks. He frowned and rubbed his cheek.

I kissed it and pursed my lips. “All better?” I smiled. Zayn was glaring at me so I decided to mess with him. “Niall are my lips soft and perfect.” I teased. “That’s not funny.” Zayn rolled his eyes. “Awh is someone jealous?” I stuck out my tongue. He leaned over and pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away.

“Why?” he whined. “Because Niall’s here.” I pointed. “Niall go in the bathroom.” Zayn joked. I rolled my eyes and Niall shook his head. “So how are we going to win. It’s uneven and they’re at an advantage.” Niall said.

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