⇝ seven ⇜

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A/N: Guys I am really sorry for not updating yesterday. It’s just a lot is going on so please bear with me. I am going to update as often as I can. I am going to update every day or every other day. School hasn’t started yet so I am going to write ahead. Thanks for reading! Ily

We got to my house and I typed in the password. The gate started to open slowly. Zayn and I drove through and the boys behind us, then it closed. Frankie was already here. We got out of the car and walked to the door.

“Your house is huge.” The boys said in surprise. “Not really.” I chuckled. We walked inside and I gave the boys a tour of my house. They said they have to go swimming in my pool so we decided to do that next week.

My mom was in the kitchen preparing food. I introduced all the boys to my parents and they already knew my brother so I introduced them to his girlfriend.



“This is really good.” Niall said stuffing his face. “Thank you.” My mother said. I had already warned her about Niall and how he eats so much so she made a lot of food. My dad wasn’t home from work yet but we started eating without him.

“So Ari, have you gotten your course list yet?” Emma asked me. “Yes I have. I am taking Lit this semester.” I said. Zayn’s hand was on my thigh. He was moving it higher. “That’s great. Lit was fun.” Emma smiled.

“Yeah it should-“ I stopped as his hand was going up and down. The feeling was so odd. It was tingly. He was chuckling. The others were eyeing us curiously. “Sorry I thought I was going to sneeze.” I lied.

They nodded but Louis just looked at me. I was blushing. “What are you two doing?” Louis yelled. My mother eyed me. “Nothing.” I said quickly. Harry and Niall were laughing. “So boys, when do you go on tour?” My mom asked.

“Well we are on a break right now but we go back in about a month.” Liam said. A month! What? Zayn never told me. So I’m going to be alone. “That’s great.” Emma smiled. “So why are you guys here?” I asked them. “Well we have some exciting news.” Danny smiled.

“Well, we’re engaged.” Em squealed. “Oh my gosh! Congratulations!” I screamed. My mom was smiling and she was really happy. At that moment my dad walked in. “What’s all the commotion about?” he asked. “Well Danny and Emma are engaged and the boys go on tour in a month.” My mom informed him. He looked around at each of the boys.

“Dad, this is Niall, Louis, Liam, and Frankie’s boyfriend Harry.” I told him. “Hello.” He nodded. The others said hi. He sat down and started eating. He made small talk and we all just talked about random things.

“I went school shopping.” I said. “Really, that’s great.” My mom smiled. “Yeah and she didn’t want to support 1D+OD against bullying.” Zayn frowned. “What is that?” my dad asked. “Well we have teamed up with Office Depot against bullying and we have our own specialized school supplies. The more we sell, the money goes to charity.” Harry said.

“Why didn’t you buy them?” My mom frowned, trying to impress Zayn. “Well I didn’t know that’s what it was for. Zayn didn’t tell me that.” I glared at him. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. My phone started to ring. “Excuse me one minute.” I said.

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