Chapter 41

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We were laying on the sofa with Zayn’s head in my lap when his phone began to ring. He sat up and answered it.

“Can it wait?” He grumbled into the speaker.

“Why? She doesn’t need to come.” He argued back.

At this point I was getting anxious to know what was going on.

“We don’t come back until the 31st.” He started pacing.

“I’m not doing that to her. This is our time.” He yelled.

“Fine. We’ll be there in two days.” He sighed.

I stood up and began packing my stuff. I didn’t want to leave. I had finished packing both Zayn and mine’s things. He came in the room and stood in front of me.

“Ari I’m really sorry. Management needs to see both of us right away. I will make it up to you.” He frowned.

I nodded and turned the other way. I hate how they control everything. It ruins everything that we have just spent fixing.

I put warm clothes on and followed Zayn out of our room. We checked out and got in a car to drive us to the airport. I watched as our little vacation slowly drifted away behind us. Once we got to the airport, Zayn bought both of us some food and we waited for our flight to board.

I took out my phone and unlocked it. I decided to text my best friend.

To Frankie; 7:30pm: Hey we’ll be back in two days.

From Frankie; 7:31pm: What why

To Frankie; 7:33pm: Management needs us

From Frankie; 7:35pm: That sucks babe see you in a few

I locked my phone and lay my head back. Pretty soon it was time for our flight to board.



Our flight finally landed in Los Angeles. It had been forever since we had been back in the states. I felt relieved to finally be on the ground again. Flying too long made me feel sick to my stomach. Jet lag was going to suck later.

As soon as we escaped the crowd of fans and the paparazzi, we were headed to the L.A. office management had. I picked at my fingers the whole drive.

We walked inside and Zayn told them why we were here. The lady led us to this giant conference room and I took a seat in one of the big black chairs. Zayn sat in the one next to me and grabbed my hand. “Hey everything will be okay.” He smiled reassuringly.

I could tell he was saying that for both of our benefits. I’ve only been to about three meetings with management and the past two times haven’t been for good reasons. A few minutes later three people walked in and took the seats across from us.

“Hello Zayn, and Aria.” The man said.

I politely smiled and nodded. “So why are we here?” Zayn asked kind of annoyed.

“Eager I see. Patience young one.” The lady glared at us.

“Well we want to discuss a few things. First, it’s about your relationship.” The man, Mr. Newman, said.

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