Ch. 4: Cheer Practice

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(A/N) so this chapter Heather and Anna are cheer leaders. I didn't put it in the description. I'm sorry. Here's chapter 4.


Heather's P.O.V.

I was putting my neon green cheer shorts and my black sports bra that says cheer on it with my cheetah print green bow. Me and Anna are cheer leaders. we are flyers. I haven't told Harry yet. I'm gonna suprise him. Anna is gonna suprise Niall.
"Anna we need to go practice." I told her.
"Okay I'm ready." She said.
"Let's go." I said heading to the gymnasium.

*Skip the walk to the gymnasium and stretching*

Still Heather's P.O.V.

I texted Harry and told him me and Anna are at the gym.

To Harry 💚: Hey Haz. Me and Anna are at the gym. You and Niall can come down. We may be here for a while.

From Harry 💚: Me and Niall will be there in a hour.

To Harry 💚: Okay Haz. I love you.

From Harry 💚: I love you too baby.

*end of conversation*

"Okay guys lets go!" I yelled. Me and Anna were being tossed in the air or our routine. It was 5 minute break.

*50 minutes later*

Harry's P.O.V.

I wonder why Heather and Anna are at the gym?
"Hey Niall. Do you know why Heather and Anna are at the gym?" I asked.
"No. We can go up there right now since we are done." He said.
"Let's go." I told him grabbing my jacket. We were walking down the hall to the gym. We opened the gym door and saw Heather and Anna sitting on a bench.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was taking a break. I got back up and start running about to do a front flip.
"Anna watch I'm gonna do a front flip!" I yelled at her.
"Okay I'm watching!" She yelled. I start running and did a cart wheel then a front flip then a back flip and landed on my feet. I looked at Anna. She was giving a thumbs up. I ran to her and sat down.
"That was fun." I exclaimed to her.
"It looked fun." She said. I looked to my right and saw Harry and Niall.
"Anna. Harry and Niall are here." I told her. She looked to her right to see Niall and Harry with their mouths open. I walked to them.
"Close you guys mouths before flies get in there." I said.
"Heather I didn't know you could do that!" Harry exclaimed.
"I wanted to suprise you." I said kissing his cheek.
"I gotta get back to practice. You two can sit and watch." I said walking back over to the cheer floor mat.
"Okay guys. So we are going to do a routine again. So step right. Then left. Clap your hands at the same time. Do the drop splits. Now stand up. Now cha cha real smoothe. Now the egyptian. Put your hands together above your head and move you head side to side. Now Heather and Anna get read to be tossed in the air. Ready? Okay boys toss Heather and Anna on the count of three. 1,2,3. Toss!" Our coach from Egypt said. Me and Anna flew in the air and twisted and turned like we always do and landed safely back to where we were about to be tossed.

Niall's P.O.V.

Anna is a cheerleader. Her coach said be ready to get tossed. Her and Heather were the flyers I'm guessing. I looked at Harry. He looked like something had scared him for life.
"Harry mate. Are you okay?" I asked making sure he is okay.
"He-Heather is gonna get tossed in the air. What if she doesn't land safely?" Harry said freaking out.
"Harry she has already been tossed. She is on the ground safe and sound." I said reasurringly. Everybody started leaving. I guess practice is over now. I got up and walked to Anna.
"Hey Anna. You did good out there." I said to her.
"Thanks Niall." Anna said.

Heather's P.O.V.

I walked over to Harry. He looked really pale.
"Harry are you okay?" I asked.
"Oh. Heather. I thought when they tossed you. You wouldn't land safely back down." He said giving me a long hug.
"Harry. I'm fine. Don't worry okay." I said hugging him.

*Later that night*

Harry's P.O.V.

I was in bed watching tv when Niall barged in.
"Harry where are Anna and Heather?" He asked worried.
"On the beach. Why?" I asked him.
"I woke up from my nap and looked everywhere. I thought someone took her." Niall said calming down. I got a text from Heather.

From Heather😘: Hey Haz. Niall needs to come get Anna. She fell asleep and I don't wanna move her.

To Heather😘: I'll come get you to. Me and Niall will be there in a few minutes.

From Heather😘: Okay Haz.

*next morning*

Anna's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning in me and Niall's room. I guess he came and got me. I got up and went to cook food. Niall was eating pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, and sausage.
"Niall. I want some food too." I said sadly.
"Well come and get some food." He said. Me and Niall ate our food and went to watch movies all day.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up and turned over to see a sleeping Harry. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I saw him smile.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Harry said in his morning voice.
"Goodmorning Haz." I said back. Me and Harry just layed in bed half the day watching tv. I got up to make food and brought back two BLT sandwiches each for me and Harry. They were delicious. I went to the kitchen to throw our plates away. I got 2 pepsi's and gave one to Harry. My phone beeped with a new message. I opened it. It was a text from Aubrey Coggins. I hate her so much.

From Aubrey: Hey. I see your dating Harry Styles. Can you hook me up with Zayn?

To Aubrey: Look I don't like you and no you can't. I'm not your friend. So don't act like we are. Zayn has a girlfriend. All of the boys do. Back off. And leave me and the boys alone. Bye.

From Aubrey: Whatever I'll just date your ex Caleb.

To Aubrey: I don't care.

She gets on my nerves. I threw my phone at the wall. I heard it crack. Crap. I got up and picked my phone up. And it was cracked.

"My phone is cracked." I said unhappy.
"I'm sorry babe." Harry said.
"It's okay Haz. I love you." I said.
"I love you too." Harry said. We layed in bed for the rest of the day.


(A/N) Awww. Cheer then next day lazy day. So cute. I don't know how long it was but that's all for now. Keep commenting and voting please. Bye.

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