Ch.34: Meeting My Dad

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(A/N): Hello everyone! How are you guys today? How was your weekend? Mine was amazing I splatter painted and rode fourwheelers! This week I will not be able to update because I have nine weeks tests starting tomorrow. Ugh. I hate it. But here is chapter 34.


Niall's P.O.V.

It's been 2 months since Anna's dad died. She is her happy self again. I love it. The tour is going great. We go on break for a month next week. So me and Anna are getting married in that time. I haven't slept all night long. We are in London right now. It's 3 in the morning. Anna keeps tossing and turning alot. She never does that. I got up and go get some left over pizza we had last night. I ate a few slices and drank some coca cola we have. I went back upstairs and Anna was up and pacing back and forth.

"Anna? Are you alright?" I asked walking towards her. She didn't answer.

"Anna." I said. Still no answer. I walked to her and stopped her. She looked at me and started crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked hugging her.

"I-I had a bad dream. Someone came and took me away from you." She said crying.

"It's okay baby. It was just a nightmare. That won't ever happen." I said rubbing her back.

"Let's go back to sleep." I said walking her to the bed. She laid in the bed and I layed down beside her. I finally went to sleep.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up and it was 8. Too early. I rolled over and looked at Harry. He was snoring lightly it was so cute. I picked his cheek and he faced the other way. I sat up and looked outside. It was sunny for once. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth. After I did that I brushed my hair and dried off. I went back to mine and Harry's room and he was not in our room. He must be downstairs. I walked to the balcony and opened it. It was warm. I closed the balcony doors and picked out royal bones black and white star split leg skinny jeans. I put on a white sports bra and I put on a black tank top that showed my sides. I was getting some more tattoos soon. I have become addicted to them. My shoes were georgia black studded lace up combat boots. I died my hair black last week. I went downstairs and saw Harry and all the others.

"Hey Heather. Where are you going?" My mom asked walking into the kitchen.

"Dad wanted to see me today. He said he flew here and see me because apparently he sees me all on the news so I'm going to the park to see him." I whispered to my mom.

"Does Harry know?" My mom asked in a whisper.

"No. I'm just gonna tell him that I want to be alone for a few hours." I whispered back.

"I'll make sure he stays here." My mom whipsered.

"Thanks mom." I whispered and hugged her. I got a cup and poured mountain dew in it. I went into the living room and stood there.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"I just wanted to go for a walk by myself and relax and clear my mind." I said.

"Be careful and take your phone with you and call me if you want me to come get out." Harry said.

"I will babe." I said walking to Harry and kissing his cheek.

"I love you." Harry said to me.

"I love you Haz." I said standing up and walking to the door. I opened it and started walking to the park.

*10 minutes later*

I arrived at the park and sat at a table alone. My dad said he would be here in a few minutes. I played candy crush on my phone til he got here.

"Heather? Is that you?" I heard a male voice say. I look up and see my father.

"Yeah it's me." I said. I got up and hugged him.

"Wow. Your so much older and taller." My dad said.

"Yeah. I have a tattoo now." I said.

"Really?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. Look." I turned sideways and showed him my stars.

"That's a good looking tattoo you yot there. Plan on getting more?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. Tomorrow I have an appoitment to get a sleeve tattoo so I'm gonna sleep through that. They numb my arm so I don't have to go through alot of pain." I said looking at my right arm.

"What tattoo's?" He asked.

"The ones that I pick out tomorrow. I know which ones would be the ones I want." I said. I checked my phone and saw twitter notifications. I looked at them and saw pictures of me and my dad. Harry is gonna freak when he see's this. Right when I said that in my head Harry was calling. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said into my phone.

"So babe. When were you going to tell me you were meeting your dad today?" Harry asked mad.

"He wanted to see me because he saw me and you all over magazines Harry. I can't say no to my dad. Chill out." I said.

"You could of at least told me instead of me finding out by twitter!" Harry yelled.

"Stop yelling at me! He is my dad! It's my dad not your's!" I yelled back.

"I'm sorry I'm just overreacting. I know it's your dad." Harry said with guilt in his voice.

"It's fine Haz. I gotta go. I'm about to come home anyway." I said.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get home." Harry said.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you to Heather." Harry said hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and noticed my dad was gone. Guess he left. I started walking home. I passed the tattoo shop and noticed they did piercings. I walked in an looked at the piercings. I wanted a lip rip. Thank the lord I brought money with me. I walked up to the cash register.

"Hi. Um I was wondering if I could get my lip pierced?" I asked the man at the cash register.

"Of course. Let's choose you one and I will put it on for you." The man said walking to the lip ring case. I looked at them and chose a pink zebra lip ring and the man pierced it to my lip and it hurt so bad. I paid the man $100 because he let me get 2 free. I left and walked home.

*10 minutes later*

I walked in and saw everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey guys." I said. They all looked at me and them gasped.

"What?" I asked. I forgot I got my lip pierced.

"You got you bottom lip pierced!" Anna yelled.

"Um. yeah." I said. Harry walked to me.

"You look great with it. I love it." Harry said kissing me.

"That lip ring is cold." Harry said.

"I have to clean it after I eat." I said. He nodded and I went to my room and changed into orange yoga shorts and a tank top and went to sleep.


(A/N): Sorry if it sucks. I tried. Can you believe she pierced her lip. I wanna get mine pierced. Do you think she is gonna have the punk look? Keep voting, reading, and commenting. Love you guys. Goodnight or goodmorning wherever you are. Have a good day. Bye.

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