Ch.5: Meeting The Boys

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(A/N) 6 reads 3 votes and 1 comment you guys are amazing. Cute as a button every single one of you. Sorry. I had to. Here is chapter 5 I'm not sure if it will be short or not.


Harry's P.O.V.

Today I'm taking Heather to meet the others. They have been wanting to meet Heather and Anna for 2 weeks now. I'm so excited.
"Heather are you ready to go?" I asked her.
"Yes. I'm coming. I'm so excited." Heather exclaimed.
"Good. Now let's go Anna and Niall are waiting in the car." I said. We went to the car. Niall is driving.

Anna's P.O.V.

I am so excited. I can't wait to meet them. Yay. Niall is driving and I got shot gun. I turned around to look at Harry and Heather they were sleeping listening to music. Aww. They looked so cute. I took a picture and posted it on twitter. With the caption.
@acole2012: Every car ride. These 2 always fall asleep. @busbin_heather and @Harry_Styles. Cutest couple! I turned back around and fell asleep.

Niall's P.O.V.

I looked at Anna and she fell asleep. I put my jacket on her to cover her up so she wouldn't be cold. I took a picture and posted it on twitter. With the caption. @Niallofficial: @acole2012 fell asleep on the way to see the boys. Cutest thing ever.

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Heather awake on her phone playing candy crush. I poked her cheek and she look at me and smiled and went back to her game.
"Niall how much longer?" I asked.
"Just a few more minutes." He replied. We finally arrived. I got out and held Heather's hand. Fans came towards us.









The wouldn't stop screaming. We finally got out of there. We walked inside to find the boys. They were playin FIFA.
"Hey boy's." I said. Heather was standing behind me.
"HAZZA BEAR!!" Louis yelled with his arms wide open. I pulled my hand from behind me. Heather was in front of me.
"Louis stop yelling!" I yelled at him. He gave Heather a hug and she hugged the others and got to know them. The got along well.

Anna'a P.O.V.

I met Liam then Zayn the Louis. Liam is the calm one. Zayn is quiet. Louis is very loud. Me and Liam are calm and responsible. Liam is like a older brother. Louis is a brother and so is Zayn.


Heather and I will be partner's in crime. She is like a little sister. Her and Harry are perfect for each other. Like me and Eleanor.

Heather's P.O.V.

Louis is my partner in crime! We are undefeatable!

"Louis!!" I yelled.
"Yes my partner in crime!" He yelled back.
"We shall be ninja's and not be seen!" I yelled
"Why are you two yelling?" Harry asked.
"We are ninja's and partners in crime!" We both yelled at the same time. We ran and hid. Harry had his eyes closed. I jumped on him an smiled. He just smiled.
"Hi Heather." Harry said.
"Hi Haz." I said. I then kissed Harry. It was fireworks, butterflies, etc. it was amazing. Best kiss ever!
"Heather will you go on tour with me? I already talked to your mom about it. She said you could. Please." He asked.
"Yes. I'll go on tour with you." I said happily.
"Yes!" Harry said. I giggled.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Anna will you come on tour with me?" I asked her.
"Yes Niall. I will." She said. I screamed yes and she just laughed.

*8 months later*

Anna's P.O.V.

I am 19 now. Niall is 19. The take me home tour is almost over. It's been amazing. I have loved it. I was brought on stage. When they sang What Makes You Beautiful to me and Heather at every end of the concert.

Heather's P.O.V.

So I'm 17 still. Harry is 19. It's been great so far. Me and Louis are best friends. I met Louis, Liam, and Zayn's girlfriends. They are so awesome. Me and Anna hung out with fans before the concert started. We did cheerleading stuff for them. It was awesome. We sang. I met awesome people. I still get hate but it doesn't bother me.

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