Ch.39: New Year's Party/ Zayn's Birthday Party

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(A/N): Hi everyone. So I almost have 1,000 reads. I have had a bad weekend. My grandmother passed away Friday and she was the only one who understood my love for One Direction. I'm updating today so I don't have to this weekend. Here is chapter 39.


Anna's P.O.V.

It's New Year's Eve! We are having a party tonight and celebrating Zayn's birthday since he is going to his mum's to see them and be with them on his birthday. It's now 11 am and everyone is putting decorations, while I'm putting finger foods in bowls and plates.

"Anna! Where are you!" Heather yelled.

"In the kitchen!" I yelled back at her. She walked in and stood beside me helping me.

"You do realize it's been 3 hours and the party starts in 2 hours. We have to find outfits and do our hair and makeup." Heather says eating a cracker.

"Really? It feels like a few minutes." I said putting a bowl down.

"Yeah. I think you have been like thinking really hard and got lost and stuff. You put out alot of food." Heather said looking at the counter.

"I'm gonna go shower and get ready." I said walking to me and Niall's room.

*20 minutes later*

I blow dried my hair and looked at outfits to wear. I decided on a white skater dress. I straightened my hair and out on black eyeliner and a nude eye shadow. I put my engagement ring back on and put on my infinity bracelet and necklace. Now, I had to find shoes. I decided on white vans. I put them on and tied them and checked the time. It has been an hour and thirty minutes. I went downstairs and saw the boys ready. I went upstairs and checked in Heather.

"Heather you ready?" I asked knocking.

"No. I can't find an outfit. Help me find one." Heather said. I opened the door and closed it and helped her.

Heather's P.O.V.

Anna picked out white hollister shorts with a black tank top that says teenage dirtbag. I put on my white converse and curled my hair. I got my hair dip dyed frosted blue. It was now 5:00. Me and Anna went downstairs. I saw a lot of people here already. I looked for Harry and didn't see him. I went up to Louis.

"Louis where is Ha- Eleanor! Omg I missed you!" I said hugging her.

"Louis and I are back together and he told me to come to the party and here I am." Eleanor said.

"You have no idea how mad I was when I found out you two broke up." I said.

"Well I'm here now." Eleanor said.

"Louis where is Harry?" I asked turning to him.

"Ummm. The last I saw him was at the door letting people in." Louis said pointing to the door.

"Okay. Thanks Louis." I said walking to the door. I got to the door and looked around. I spotted him with some girl who he was talking to. I walked over to him and as I was him and the girl kissed. I stood by them and grabbed the girl's hair and threw her to the ground and kept hitting her. I got up and looked at Harry.

"Who is this girl and why did you kiss her!" I yelled. I heard the music turn off and everyone was looking at us.

"Ummm. This is Kendall Jenner." Harry said.

"Why did you kiss her Harry. I won't hesitate to punch you either." I said balling my hands in fists.

"I-I don't know." Harry said looking down.

"Well I have news for you Harry Styles. WE ARE DONE!" I yelled and slapped him. I turned to back to Kendall and punched her in the face again.

"As for you Ms. Kendall Jenner. If I ever see you in public and with him again. Best believe you will be on the floor or in the hospital. Now get out before I do it for you, and trust me you don't want that." I said really mad. She got up quicky and ran out. I went to Harry's room and packed all my clothes and got in my mini cooper Harry bought me. I called Anna and told her I'm going to my moms. After that I called Zayn and told him happy early birthday. I got a ticket at the airport and put my bags on it and flew home.

Harry's P.O.V.

Why am I so stupid? I just let the love of my life leave because I kissed another girl I despise. I tried calling Heather but she never answered. Anna told me she left. Everyone is mad at me now and I can't do anything about it. All two and a half years went to waste because of my mistake. I went to my room and saw everything of hers was gone. I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and layed on her side of the bed and fell asleep.

*Next Day*

Heather's P.O.V.

I was at my mom's crying and telling her what happened. I put all my clothes in my closet and my shoes. I took a shower and blow dried my hair. I was gonna walk around the city and clear my mind. I straightened my hair and put on a grey long sleeve shirt and light wash hollister skinny jeans. I grabbed my brown slouchy toe knee high boots and put them with my socks and grabbed my phone and put it on my boot and walked out of the house. I started walking.


(A/N): Sorry it was short. I'll probably update tomorrow. Good night.

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