Ch.29: Elounor's breakup

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(A/N) I don't hate any of the guys girlfriends. But Sophia is just eww. I think she is using Liam for money. here is chapter 29.


Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up today feeling in a crappy mood. It's just one of those days where everything goes horrible. I hope it isn't horrible. I got out of bed leaving Harry asleep. I took a shower and dried my hair and put on my grey tank top that said 5SOS with my acid wash denim shorts and put on a grey and black beanie. I was gonna go to starbucks and get drinks for everyone. I put my black high top converse and grabbed some money from my purse and got in Harry's black range rover. I'm buying my own car soon.

*10 minutes later*

I arrived at starbuck and ordered everyones favorite drink and got some donuts and some brownies. It came out a few minutes later. I put in the passenger seat and drove back home.

*15 minutes later*

I had to stop and got gas. I pulled in the drive way and got the drinks out first. I opened the door and saw everyone up looking scared. I put the drinks on the counter and went to get the brownies and donuts. I came back in and brought them to the counter with the drinks. I walked in the living room.

"Guys. I got starbucks and it's on the counter. There are browines and donuts too." I said to them. They looked at me like I did something.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked mad.

"I told you I went to starbucks." I said pointing to the kitchen.

"No you didn't." Harry said standing up clenching his fists. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the starbuck bag and receipt and held the bag and threw the receipt at him.

"Now since you probably don't believe me still I'm going upstairs." I said walking up the stairs. I went to the window and opened it. I climbed out and climbed up to the roof. I wantes to be left alone for a while. I had my phone with me and I was playing music to get my mind off everything. I was listening to Change My Mind. It made me forget about everything. It helped clear my mind. I have it on replay.

Harry's P.O.V.

I thought Heather was out somewhere but she really went to starbucks. I feel really bad. All the guys were sad because the thought she got stolen or left. She went somewhere but I just need to give her some time to calm down. Louis and Eleanor have been yelling at each other for a while now. it's so annoying. I went up stairs to mine and Heather's room and the window was open. She was on the roof. I layed in our bed and went to sleep.

Louis's P.O.V.

Eleanor has been in photos with this guy for the last few weeks. Fans tweet abouy it and one was of her kissing another guy. I was so mad.

"Why are you cheating on me! I have been nothing but good to you! And this is how you treat me!" I yelled at Eleanor.

"I'm not cheating on you! Those were like 4 years ago pictures Louis!" She yelled at me.

"No they aren't! Those were today because we were in that city for a show and I didn't know you were there! You sent me a picture of you with a background of a city view and I was in that same hotel!" I yelled back.

"Whatever Louis!" She yelled.

"Eleanor! We are over! Get out right now!" I yelled pointing to the door. She walked out the door. I heard her open the front door and slam it closed. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands and just cried. Why did she do this to me? I haven't done anythin bad to her. I heard someone walk in.

"Louis?" I heard a girl voice.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Anna. Are you okay?" She asked. I'm used to Heather asking me questions. She is like my little sister. I never knew Anna that well.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna go upstairs." I said getting up. I walked upstairs and went to Harry and Heather's room. I saw the window open and that's where me and Heather always talk about our problems. I went to the window and climbed up to get on the roof. I got up there and saw Heather. She looked up and saw me.

"Hey Lou." She said.

"Hey." I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Eleanor and I broke up." I said looking at the sky.

"Lou. She wasn't worth if it she did that to you. It's been all over twitter lately." She said holding her phone.

"I knew something was going on when she was around me. She never looked at me the same." I said looking down.

"You'll find someone better Lou." She said standing up.

"Let's go in. It's almost lunch." She said going to the edge climbing down. I climbed down after her and we went to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go see if Harry is awake." I said going to Harry's room again. I walked in and he was awake.

"Harry. Come on. Heather is cooking lunch." I said standing at the door. He just nodded and I left.

Niall's P.O.V.

Me and Anna have been playing x-box most of the day. we are playing dance central 3 right now. It's so funny. It's nice doing stuff like this with Anna. We were dancing to the macarena.

"Oh my gosh Niall. You look so funny doing this." Anna said laughing.

"I know but it's fun." I said laughing.

"Zayn! Liam! Louis! Heather! Harry! Come see Niall do this dance!" Anna yelled. All the others came in and started laughing.

"Niall. That is pitiful." Liam said laughing.

"I know but I'm having fun." I said doing the freestyle.


(A/N) Awwwww. Poor Lou. It will get better. This story is almost coming to an end. It has probably about 10 or more chapters left. I'm gonna make more stories. Bye.

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