Ch.16: Flying to America

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(A/N) Hi my beautiful benguins. How are you? Hope you like this story so far. There may be singing alot. I'm not sure. Here is chapter 16.


Heather's P.O.V.

Today we are flying to America. It's almost February. Almost Harry's birthday. I don't know what to get him. I got up and took a nice shower. It's not that cold in America. So I put on my cream colored jeggings with a silver sequin crop top with a light wash jean jacket with grey heel shoe boots. I loved this outifit. I put my hair in a bun. I went to wake Harry but the was already up and dressed.

"Goodmorning babe." Harry said.
"Goodmorning to you too babe." I said.
"You look good in that." Harry said coming to me giving me a hug. I hughed back. He kissed my forehead. We went downstairs. And of course Niall and Anna were in bed still. Niall came down.

"Anna is still getting ready." Niall said.
"I'll go help her pick a outfit." I said going towards the stairs to find Anna.

Anna's P.O.V.

I heard someone with heels coming towards me. It was Heather.

"Need help picking out an outfit?" Heather asked.
"Yes. You pick it. You pick cute outfits." I said to her. She went looking through my drawers. She picked out peach colored jeggings with a pink infinity crop top. It was a flowy crop top and shoes were coral ankle boot wedges. I put it on and put my hair in a bun and we went downstairs. We packed our suitcases last night so we were ready.

*20 minutes later*

"Everybody ready?" Zayn asked.
"Yes." Everybody said. We got our suitcases and left.

*45 minutes later*

We arrived at the airport. We walked in and security came to keep the fans out of the way. We got to the plane and got in our seats. We had a long way to go. So I just slept.

*9 hours later*

Heather's P.O.V.

I stayed up the whole flight. I just watched movies and videos and listened to music. Harry fell asleep the whole way. It was just 5pm in America. The plane just landed. I packed my stuff in backpack. I woke Harry up.

"Babe. Wake up the plane just landed." I said in his ear. He woke up and rubbed his eyes and smiled at me. The others woke up. They said we could get off the plane. I stood up and stretched. It felt good. Me and Harry held hands and walked off. Fans were there. Security came and moved them. One pulled my hair. I let go of Harry's hand and looked at the girl who pulled my hair. She just smirked. That's when I lost it. I lunged her and pulled her hair like she pulled mine. Security took her away. Harry picked me up ad carried me away. I was trying to get that girl.

"Harry! Let go! She is gonna be taught a lesson! People need to stop hurting me just because I'm dating you!" I yelled at him. He kept carrying me. I just gave up. He finally put me down.
"Harry. I didn't mean to yell at you." I said to him.
"No. I'm sorry. These girls are not fans if they hurt my baby girl. You're very strong. You don't let the hate bring you down. And I love you for that." He said and kissed me.
"I love you too Haz." I said hugging him. We got to the car and drove to the hotel. We got there and went to our rooms.

Anna's P.O.V.

I love America. The fans love Niall the most here. They me and Niall's relationship. I love the fans. Me and Niall went to our room. I went to our bed and layed down. Niall came with food. We layed in bed. I fell asleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

Me and Heather went straight to sleep when we got there. We were both tired. We were going out tonight to eat. Me and Heather on a date.

*2 hours later*

I woke up and Heather was still asleep. I kiss her forehead and took a shower before she woke up. I got out of the shower and put on a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans and white converse. I came back and Heather was awake.

"Your awake." I said.
"Yeah." She said.
"We have a date. And you my love need to get up and get ready." I told her kissing her cheek.
"Okay." She said getting up.

Heather's P.O.V.

I picked out a black long sleeved crop top with high waisted distressed jeans and my shoes were liberty black suedette platorm shoe boots. I put my light washed jean jacket on any let my hair down to it's waves. I walked out of the bathroom. Harry looked at me and smiled.

"Ready love?" He asked.
"Of course." I said. We walked out the door to the elevator. We presses the floor button

*2 minutes later*

We finally reached the floor. We walked out of the hotel into the chilly night. We were in New York. It's cold there alot. Like London.

"Where are we going Harry?" I asked.
"To get Mcdonald's and then the park." He said. We found Mcdonald's and walked in. We ordered chicken nuggets and milkshakes. We sat and ate our food.

*20 minutes later*

We left Mcdonald's and went to the park. I found swing and we sat on them. We swang for about 10 minutes and decided to go back. I had my arm around his waist and he had is arm around my shoulders. We had a great time. It was like the first date in a few months. We got back to the hotel and got ready for bed. I wore yoga shorts and Harry's shirt. We watched a movie and fell asleep during it.

Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Niall just watched movies and ate room service food we called for. We watched titanic. The. We watched 21 Jump Street. We laughed alot. We watched Mama. It was scary. I fell asleep watching Family Guy. Niall stayed up.

Niall's P.O.V.

I saw Anna fall asleep. She looked so cute sleeping. I got a picture and posted it on twitter with the caption.

@NiallOfficial: @acole2012 fell asleep watching Family Guy. She is so cute. I love her. Goodnight fans.

After that I fell asleep watching Family Guy too.


(A/N) Awww dates and movie days are always so romantic. Except scary movies. Haha. Bye my beautiful benguins. Hope you liked it.

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