Ch.52: Life Is Amazing

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(A/N: Hey guys. It's Friday finally. The book might be over today. After this chapter is the epilogue. Here is chapter 52.


*7 months later*

Heather's P.O.V.

Me and my parents are good now. We talked it out a few months back. Me and Ashton are like even closer of besties now since I found out he was my brother. Me and Harry went to the doctor 6 months ago and I am able to have a kid. I am 6 months pregnant now. Anna is the godmother of the baby. Me and Anna were on the couch watching some weird cartoon show. The boys walked in.

"Hey girls." Louis said.

"Hey Lou." Me and Anna said back.

"What are you two watching?" Harry asked coming over to us and sitting beside me.

"Some weird cartoon." Anna said.

"How's the baby?" Harry asked.

"The baby is good." I said smiling. Harry kissed my cheek and stood up. He held his hand out and I grabbed his hand. He helped me up and he took me too the backyard.

"Why are we out here?" I asked.

"I wanted to look at stars with you." Harry said sitting on the ground. I sat beside him and we layed down and looked at stars.

Anna's P.O.V.

I was in mine and Niall's room laying on the bed with Kylie on my chest. Niall came in with Nando's.

"Hey." Niall said sitting beside me.

"Hi." I said holding Kylie.

"She sleeps alot." Niall said.

"I'm glad she isn't a noisy baby." I said sitting up.

"I brought Nando's for us." Niall said giving me food.

"Thank you Ni." I said kissing him on the cheek. I opened my food box and started eating it.

"This is amazing." Niall said.

"Well. Life is amazing Niall. Especially this life." I said. He smiled and kissed me.

*3 months later*

Heather's P.O.V.

I am 9 months pregnant now and I am ready to get the baby out. Harry wants to wait until the baby is born for it's gender. I want a boy and so does Harry. We were all at the house outside eating lunch. Kylie was in a baby chair between Anna and Niall. She is a year old now. Perrie had to leave last week because of her tour she had with the rest of Little Mix.

"I'll be back. I have to go to the bathroom." I whispered in Harry's ear.

"Ok. Holler at us if you need someone. I think Eleanor is inside." Harry said. I nodded and got up. I went to the bathroom and did my business. I got back up and went into the kitchen and I felt something go down my leg. I looked down and saw water. (A/N: Idk if it's suppose to be water of fluid so I'm gonna say water.) Eleanor was in there.

"Eleanor. My water just broke." I said holding my stomach. She dropped her water on the counter and went outside.

"HEATHER'S WATER JUST BROKE! WE GOTTA GO NOW!" Eleanor yelled. I heard everyone run inside. Harry looked at me and I nodded. He ran and got my bag full of clothes and my phone charger. I walked over to the door and we got in our traveling van. Louis drove to the hospital.

*7 hours later*

After 7 hours of labor I gave birth to a baby boy. Me and Harry haven't found a name for him yet. Harry thought of Logan Reese Styles. I smiled.

"I like Logan Reese Styles." I said. Harry nodded. He started crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because. We have a family now. But I'm also upset because your mum wasn't here." Harry said.

"She had surgery. They said she couldn't fly anywhere." I said holding Logan.

"I didn't know she had surgery." Harry said.

*1 week later*

This past week the boys have been buying baby clothes. I was at home with Logan and Harry. Harry was putting together his crib. Logan started crying.

"Oh my gosh Logan. I just fed you, gave you a bath, and changed you." I said getting up.

"Babe. Let me. You haven't gotten any sleep at all this past week. Go

change into comfortable clothes and go to sleep." Harry said taking Logan. I went into the closet and put on my blue tank top that said surf and my black leggings. I laid back in bed and on my side and tried to fall asleep. Harry came in and laid logan on the pillow beside me. Harry laid on the other side of Logan and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I can't sleep but I'm so tired. Life is amazing but I'm just so tired." I said.

"I'll see if I can take 3 months off to be with you okay." Harry said.

"Okay." I said falling asleep.


(A/N: Hey guys. I started writing last night but I wasn't feeling good. I'm sorry to say this but the Epilogue may be short. I'm a short writer typer person but 52 chapters plus an epilogue is a lot for me. Bye. Epilogue maybe posted tomorrow.

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