Ch.24: Double Date

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(A/N) Omg guys! 51 reads! Ypu guys are awesome! So today my dog roxy rolled in somethin dead and omg she smelled horrible. I had to give her a bath like that instant. I thought I was gonna throw up. Anyways here is chapter 24.


Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with my phone ringing. Stupid marimba. I hate that ringtone.

"Harry. Turn that ringtone off now." Heather mumbled. I looked at her. She had her head under the pillow. Wow. I checked my phone. I had like 40 missed calls. 10 from each of the boys. 20 text messages. Something must be wrong. Zayn's name flashed l my screen I accepted the call.

"Hello." I said in my morning voice.

"Harry. We have been trying to call you for the past hour!" Zayn yelled.

"I was tired. What's wrong?" I asked.

"You can't tell Heather or let Anna know right now." Zayn said.

"What is it?" I said sitting up.

"Is Heather awake?" Zayn asked. I looked at her and she was asleep.

"No. She fell asleep." I said.

"Um. Well we let Snowball out this morning and she had been out for a while and we called her and she didn't come back to the house. So we went to look for her at the driveway and she was on the side of the road. Somebody ran over her. We called animal control so they have put her away." Zayn said crying. I started crying myself. How was I going to tell Heather. Her and Anna loved Snowball the most. They spend so much time with her.

"What are we gonna do Zayn?" I asked crying.

"I don't know Harry. When you, Heather, Niall, and Anna come back we will tell Heather and Anna." Zayn said.

"Okay. I'm going to go. We are going out with Niall and Anna in a while." I said.

"Okay. Bye Harry." Zayn said hanging up. I layed back down.

"Heather we gotta get up." I said laying beside her.

"Heather wake up." I said poking her arm.

"Harry. Stop. I will hit you." She mumbled.

"Baby. We have to get ready. We are hanging with Niall and Anna today." I said poking her again.

"Harold Edward Styles if I have to tell you again to stop poking me one more time. I'm going to knee you where the sun don't shine am I clear." She said looking at me with mad eyes.

"I'm sorry baby. But we do need to get ready to hangout with Niall and Anna today." I said.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll get up." She said getting up.

"Yay." I said. She looked at me and gave me a death glare.

"Sorry." I said giving her a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm jusy tired." She said hugging me. I kissed her.

"It's okay babe." I said.

"Let's get ready." She said. She picked out some clothes and went into the bathroom. I picked out clothes and went into the guest bathroom.

Heather's P.O.V.

After my shower. I put on my blue short sleeve skater dress with my blue vans. I braided my hair to the side. I walked put of the bathroom and put on blue nike workout shorts under my dress so nobody would see my underwear. Haha. I went downstairs and made a sandwich for breakfast. Harry came down a while later with a black v-neck black skinny jeans and white converse. I made him a sandwich.

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