Ch.18: Heading to Australia.

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(A/N) Hi. I know I usually put three or four chapters up a day. But today I'm just putting 2 up today. I just haven't been in the best mood today. Here is chapter 18.


Harry's P.O.V. We just finished our american part of out stadium tour. We were now heading to Sydney, Australia in a few minutes. It was Heather's home. She was so excited.

"Babe are you happy that we're going to Australia?" I asked Heather.
"Yes! It's my home town." Heather said excitedly. I grabbed her suitcase and mine.
"Let's go." I said. She nodded and started running down the hall.

Heather's P.O.V.

We're going to Australia! My home town. 5SOS live there to. I loved Australia. My family lives in Sydney. And we're going there. I'm so happy. I get to see my mum. I haven't seen her in a year. I got in the first car with Anna, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam. The second car had Ashton, Luke, Zayn, Michael, and Calum. We headed to the airport. We were leaving Los Angeles. We got to the airport a few minutes later. We boarded the plane. We got first class seats. I pulled my laptop out and started a season of NCIS. I was wearing neon purple skinny jeans with a light pink v-neck. My shoes were pink TOMS.

Anna's P.O.V.

It was going to be a long flight. I was wearing neon pink skinny jeans. With a light purple v-neck. My shoes were purple TOMS. Me and Heather decided to wear pink and purple. I loved it. I watched funny videos of people falling. It was so funny. That's what I did the whole way.

Niall's P.O.V.

I went to sleep the whole time. I was tired. I don't like getting up early.

Harry's P.O.V.

I actually stayed up the whole time watching NCIS with Heather. She fell asleep half the plane ride. She looked so cute.

*1 hour later*

We landed in Sydney. I woke up Heather and she woke up and saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge. She smiled. I knew she missed home. The plane landed and we got up and left the plane. Heather's mum was waiting for her.

Heather's P.O.V.

My mum was here somewhere. I started looking around when my eyes landed on blonde spikey hair.

"Mum!" I screamed. She turned around and saw me. I ran towards her and hugged her. I missed her. I started crying.
"I missed you so much." I cried.
"I missed you so much too." She cried.
"I can't believe your almost 19." She said. It was only mid march. Harry is 20 now. We had a party with the boys and his family. We had fun. Now my birthday is coming.
"I know." I laugh-cried. Harry found me a few minutes after my reunion with my mum. I hugged my step-dad too. Me and Harry were still gonna stay at a hotel with the others. We left the airport. My mum and step-dad went home. I fell asleep on the way to the hotel. Traffic jams. Fans mobbing us. It took like an hour to get there. It gave me a headache from the cars honking and fans banging on the car windows and screaming. We had a comcert at the Sydney Centre. It was a big place.

*4 hours later*

It was time for the concert. I was staying backstage. I can't handle screaming because I still have a headache.

Anna's P.O.V.

I was going to hang out with the keyboard man. I didn't feel like walking around or anything. So I was going to be up there with the band playing music for the fans when they were getting in their seats. It was time for the boys of One Direction to come out. I sat by the keyboard guy. Somehow I fell asleep on stage. I don't know how. Niall came and woke me up. He said I didn't look good and I just fell over. I guess I passed out. The concert ended in 2 hours. I went backstage and fell asleep on the floor. Heather had some bad headaches. I think she is sick. I called a doctor. She had the flu.

Heather's P.O.V.

I had the flu. Harry doesn't know yet. I told Anna to tell him. He would be here any minute. I just went to sleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

I walked in the dressing room. Heather had a garbage can beside her. I looked at Anna.

"Heather has the flu." Anna said.
"How?" I asked.
"Different climates. She isn't good with that stuff. She always gets sick from that." Anna said.
"Oh." Was all I could say.
"Her mom is coming to pick her up. She needs to be home for this." Anna said.
"I know." I said.


(A/N) There's chapter 18. Keep reading. Inbox me for questions please. I can't see my comments. Bye benguins.

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