Ch.32: The Terrible News

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(A/N): Have you guys heard Diana! I love it. I have been so upset for a few days. I don't even know why. Here is chapter 32.


Heather's P.O.V.

Me and Anna came to Austrailia because something happened at Anna's house. I went with her so she wouldn't be alone. The boys are coming tomorrow because the Aussie part of the tour starts in 2 days. They wrote a song called Diana. I haven't heard and neither has Anna. So we get to hear it at the concert. Me and Anna get to see 5SOS. I found out that me and Ashton went to the same school. I never knew it though. We were at Anna's mom's house. I was wearing grey skinny jeans with a black tank top and a black leather jacket and my black combat boots. I felt like a bad person. Haha. I went to find Anna and saw her passed out on the couch. I went to the couch.

"Anna wake up. Go get ready. We have to be at your parents in a hour." I said. She made a weird sound and got up and went upstairs.

Anna's P.O.V.

I got up and put my hair in a bun. I picked out a mint green tank top and black skinny jeans. I let my hair down and put a mint green beanie on and I picked out mint green converse. I went back downstairs and Heather saw me. We got up and left. We walked next door and I knocked on my parents door. My mom opened it and she looked like she has been crying.

"Mom? What's wrong?" I asked. She motioned for me and Heather to come in. We walked in and sat on the couch. My mom sat in front of us.

"Anna. Your father got hit by a car and died instantly." My mother cried. I started crying and so did Heather. Heather hugged me and my mom.

"You can move in with my mom." Heather said to my mom.

"She already let me. She said she had to extra bedrooms so Anna's stuff is going too. Your mom said to." My mom cried.

"Your my family. So you wouldn't be able to say no." Heather said.

"Anna. Your stuff is already over there. Mine is getting moved today and then everything will be sold except our tv and photos." My mom told me. I got up and went outside. I pulled out my phone and Niall said that him and the boys were already on their way to Austrailia. I didn't text him back. I just sat in my front yard and cried. My read was on so Niall knows I read it. He texted me again asking if I was okay. Heather came out and asked if i was okay. Her phone started going off. She showed me it said Niall. I told her she could answer and tell him what happened if he asked what was wrong.

Heather's P.O.V.

I feel so bad. Anna's dad is like my second. I haven't even told Harry about my dad. I don't even know where he is. I answered Niall's call.

"Hello?" I asked still sniffling from crying.

"Heather. Where's Anna? Is she okay? Are you crying?" Niall asked

"She is sitting in her front yard. Her dad got in a car wreck this morning and died instantly and Anna isn't really in the mood to talk." I said starting crying again.

"Harry! How much further are we from Austrailia?" Niall asked.

"About 15 minutes. Why?" I heard Harry yell.

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