Ch.8: The teen choice awards

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(A/N) I'm not sure if Harry wins males hottest award for teen choice awards but go with it please. Here is chapter 8.


Harry's P.O.V.

I was wearing a white v-neck with a black blazer and black jeans with my converse. My hair was the flippy curls.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was wearing a short purple sequin dress with purple sequin shoes. I got my hair dyed blonde and the tips a dark purple to match. My nails were painted purple. I loved it.

Anna's P.O.V.

I was wearing a black and teal mint hi lo dress with black suede high stiletto heel platform ankle boots.

Niall's P.O.V.

I was wearing a black polo with khaki's and white supras with my hair quiffed.
Anna looked beautiful.

Heather's P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs and Harry looked at me and he looked HOT!

"What?" I asked Harry.
"Yo-you look beautiful Heather." He said still looking at me. I blushed. I stood by him. We got in the car and headed to the TCA's (a.k.a. The teen choice awards)

*skip car ride*

We arrived and Harry and I got out first. He put his arm around my waist and smiled. I kissed his cheek and we stopped to let the paparazzi take pictures. The others got out and walked in.

*45 minutes later*

It was time for the male hottie award and Taylor Swift was giving the award out. I hate her. If Harry get's the award she better not touch him.

"The winner for male hottie is......Harry Styles!" Taylor Swift said. I looked at Harry and he grabbed my hand and brought me with him on stage. He took the award by Taylor and she winked at him. Gross. Taylor looked at me. I gave her a glare.

"Thank you for this award everyone. I would like to thank my girlfriend Heather. The fans and my best 4 mates who I have been by my side for these 3 years. Thank you. Goodbye." Harry said. He kissed my cheek and we walked back to our seats.

*after the award show*

Harry's P.O.V.

I hate Taylor. I don't like her. It's been almost a year. I'm with Heather. Shouldn't she see by now. I love Heather. I saw Heather give her a glare when I got the award.

*the after party*

We went to the after party. And of course Taylor has to be here. I was just wearing a T-shirt with jeans and converse.

Heather's P.O.V.

I changed into gold and black galaxy shorts. With a black tank top and a gold vest. My shoes were gold TOMS. We walked in and Taylor was there. Se came towards us.
"Hey Heather." Taylor said.
"Taylor. Leave. I don't like you. Harry doesn't love you. That's why me and hi have been together for over a year now. So you can leave and go date another guy and use him." I said to her. She walked away. I looked at Harry and he wanted to leave so we did. We got home and went to bed.


(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you liked it chapter 9 will be here shortly.

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