Ch.45: Rumor's

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(A/N: Hello! I'm starting to update more! I'm so happy! I have talked to 2 to 3 readers already. One of them are giving me ideas for chapters. So thank that nice person. They are following the instagram account for this book. Chapter 45.


Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up in Harry's bunk to hear yelling. I turned over and looked at Harry. He was still asleep. I shook him awake. He woke up.

"Who's arguing now?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. It woke me up though." I said. Harry got out of his bunk. I got out after and walked to the front of thw bus and saw Anna and Niall arguing.

Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Niall are arguing because he was seen out with some chick named Barbara.

"What do you mean you weren't hanging out with her! It's shows it in the freaking paper! Do you think I'm that stupid?!" I yelled.

"I wasn't talking to her! She kept following me! I told her to leave me alone and that I was engaged!" Niall yelled back.

"How am I supposed to trust you when I see this!" I yelled pointing to the magazine cover.

"So your going to believe the magazine and not your own fiance." Niall said.

"I don't know anymore Niall." I said sitting down.

"Baby. I promise you I ignored her. She wouldn't leave me alone. I love you too much to hurt you." Niall said.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed out." I said.

"Go change into day clothes instead of your pajamas so when the bus stops at our next city we can go walk around." Niall said.

"Okay." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom. I put on a grey tank top that said 5 Seconds Of Summer with white shorts and grey low top comverse. I put my hair in a bun. I walked out and sat on the couch.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was changing my clothes and I was wearing a black crop top that had a skull on it. I put on my light wash ripped hollister shorts. I put on my black high top converse. I came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen part and ate doritos. I went back into the living part of the bus and sat down beside Harry.

Harry's P.O.V.

Everyone was out except me and Heather. We are at the stadium and decided to look around. I was in the stadium seats and Heather was running on the grass part of the stadium. I saw her fall and she stood back up and laughed. I laughed and she ran again. I went down to where she was and chased her. I caught up to her and picked her up and ran with her.

"Harry please put me down." Heather said.

"Since you said please." I said putting her down.

"Thank you." Heather said.

"Your welcome." I said.

"What do you want to do now?" Heather asked.

"I guess we could go back to the tour bus and watch a movie." I said.

"That's so far of a walk." Heather said walking towards the stage to get backstage.

"I know. Come on." I said grabbing her hand and walking to the tour bus. We walked to the tour bus and sat on the couch and watched paranormal activity.


(A/N: Sorry if it's short. At least I'm updating though. Have a great day. Goodbye.

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