Ch.6: The House

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(A/N) I have been updating alot. I know. I just get bored. But here is chapter 6.


Harry's P.O.V.

We are moving into the house today. The tour is over now. It was amazing. The girls had fun. I have known Heather for a almost a year. I have just been a amazing year. She has been here for everything. My mom loves her. Heather was sick on tour one time. It wasn't bad. She met 5SOS. Her and Ashton are like brother and sister she is like that with the others. All 8 of them: Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael. I love how she get's along with them. We are buying a house with 11 rooms one for each. And 2 guests room. 5SOS are moving with us.

*skip the moving and unpacking next week*

Anna's P.O.V.

It has been a long week. Me and Niall have been ordering Nandos everyday. I never get sick of it.

Niall's P.O.V.

I have been eating Nandos all week. It is delicious. We have a big house. I love it though all 11 of us together.
"Anna. I love you." I said looking into her eyes.
"I-I love you too Niall." She said it back. I kissed her. I felt fireworks.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was me and Harry's bed. He wasn't in bed. I guess he is downstairs. I laid in bed. I fell back asleep.

*2 hours later*

I woke up to someone shaking me.
"What?" I said angrily.
"You need to get up my partner in crime." Louis said.
"For what?" I said.
"Harry thinks something is wrong with you. You have been sleeping alot." Louis said.
"I'm just tired Lou." I said.
"I know. C'mon. Let's go downstairs." He said happily. We got downstairs and everyone looked at me.
"What?" I asked. They just laughed at me. I just went back up to me and Harry's room and locked the door and went to sleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. Somebody wrote LOSER on my face. I washed it off and went back to bed. I was upset. I cried myself to sleep. I woke up at 6 in the afternoon. I unlocked the door and went downstairs and walked past the living room everybody was watching tv. I went into the kitched to fix something to eat. I made easy mac macaroni. The timer went off and I mixed my cheese and butter. I started eating and went to mine and Harry's room. I walked through the living room in front of the tv everybody looked at me. I just ignored and went to watch ted the movie. I was laughing alot. I finished my macaroni. I went to throw it away in the kitchen. Harry was in there.
"Hey babe" Harry said.
"Hi." I said quietly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know they did that until you walked in. I was mad. I went off on them. That's why they aren't saying anything. I know you cried yourself to sleep. I unlocked the door." He said upset.
"It's okay Haz." I said kissing him. We walked into the living room. I sat beside Harry. I cuddled with him. I fell asleep and I felt him carrying me to bed.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was mad. How could they do that. They will regret that.


(A/N) I know it's short I'm sorry. But things will be better. There will be pranks and stuff.

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