Ch.33: Anna's Dad Funeral

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(A/N): Hi guys. Anyone downloaded Diana yet? My sister has been on my nerves alot. Here is chapter 33.


Anna's P.O.V.

I woke up today realizing my father's funeral is today. I have been so sad. I got up and took a shower leaving Niall to sleep in. He offered to pay for my dad's funeral and everything. My mom wouldn't let him but he did it anyway. My mom has been struggling. She was very thankful of what Niall did. I finished my shower and I let my hair air dry. I picked out a black and white laced block dress and my shoes were black wedges. I laid them out and woke up Niall.

"Niall. You need to get up and go shower. The funeral is in 3 hours." I said to him.

"Okay. I'm getting up." Niall mumbled. He got up and went to the bathroom. I changed into my outfit and blow dried my hair. My stuff is in the guest room next to Heather's so I'm not that far away. I turned my straightener on and grabbed my black beanie and layed it on my dresser. Niall came out a few minutes later. He came over to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"I love you Anna." Niall said.

"I love you too Niall." I said. He hugged me and let go and went to his suitcase and pulled out a tux and went back into the bathroom. I put my hairspray out for him so I could help him with his hair. I started straightening my hair.

*20 minutes later*

I finished straightening my hair and I grabbed my black beanie and put it on my head. I picked out Niall's black supras from my closet and put them on my bed. He came out and I pointed to my bed and he put his shoes on. I put light makeup on and some mascara. I made him sit on my bed so I could fix his hair. I sprayed it with hairspray so it stuck up like it usually does. I finished and it was 11 am. I went downstairs with Niall and we sat in the couch and waited.

Heather P.O.V.

I woke up and it was 11 am. Anna's dad's funeral is today. I shot out of bed and ran in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. After my shower I woke up Harry and told him to get a shower. I picked out a black hi-low dress and put my dress on. I grabbed my black combat boots and put mixed matched sock on them my combat boots. I scrunched my hair and put a black headband to hold my hair back. I put on light make-up and Harry came out in a tix and his black boots that he always wears. He fixed his hair and we went downstairs and saw Anna and Niall.

"Hey guys. Is anybody else up?" I asked.

"Nope. Anna's mom is already there and so is your mom. We are waiting for the others. Sophia came last night." Niall said.

"Are you serious. You all know I can't stand her one bit." I said. I sat on the couch and shook my head.

"She better not say something stupid or else I'm hitting her. Liam can get over it." I said. Anna nodded and so did Harry and Niall. A few minutes later the other boys and Eleanor came down.

"Sophia is almost ready." Liam said.

"Okay." I said.

"I'm ready." Sophia said coming downstairs wearing one of my dresses.

"Are you wearing my dress?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's kinda tight. You need a bigger size honey. Getting smaller sizes won't make you skinnier." Sophia said.

"Excuse me. You weigh more than me. You better watch it. I can kick you out of this house and I will." I said standing up getting mad.

"Liam would never let that happen. He would choose me over anybody." She said.

"It's not your house nor Liam's. He can't do anything." I said.

"I'm sure Harry would leave you for me any day honey." Sophia said smacking her gum. I charged at her and slapped her.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" I yelled. She stood there and somebody picked me up and tried to take me away. I felt two people carry me away.

"Let me go." I said. They let me go and I went outside and sat on the swing in my backyard. I started crying. I heard the backdoor open and someone come out. They sat on the swing next to me.

"I'm sorry Sophia did that Heather. I should've never dated her. I broke up with her. She left with your dress." Liam said.

"It's fine Liam. I have wanted to do that to her for a long time. I dont want that dress back anyway." I said wiping my tears.

"C'mon. It's time to go to the funeral." Liam said standing up. I stood up and walked in. I walked to the front door and opened it and walked out to the car waiting for us. I got in first and Harry and Anna sat by me and Niall sat by Anna and all the other boys sat in the other seats.

*30 minutes later*

We arrived at the cemetary and went to the ceremony. The funeral was going to be held by his grave and then Anna's mom and my mom are gonna watch him be burried so my mom can take Anna's mom back to her house. We sat in our seats and the funeral began. Anna, her mom, my mom, and me were crying the most. After it was over we left and went back home. I changed into a black t-shirt and purple yoga shorts and layed on my bed. Harry came in and grabbed some clothes and left. I fell asleep.

Anna's P.O.V.

I cried on the way back home. When I got home I went to my room and put on one of Niall's t-shirts and my pink sweatpants and went to sleep.

Niall's P.O.V.

Anna went to her room when we got home. I cried a little bit too. I went to her room and she was already asleep. I changed into a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants and layed in bed with her and went to sleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat downstairs in the living with Louis and Liam. I told them I was going to change. I walked to Heather's room and saw her sleeping. I went over to her and pulled the cover over her so she wouldn't be cold and I kissed her forehead and changed into a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants and went back downstairs and watched tv with the boys.

*4 hours later*

We have been watching ridiculousness for 4 hours now. I heard someone break something upstairs. I got up and went upstairs and saw Heather walking down the hall. She bumped into a table with a vase on it and it fell off and broke. I walked to her and picked her up and too her back to her room and grabbed her a cover and carried her downstairs to the couch and sat her on it.

"Louis. Watch her while I clean up a broken vase she bumped into." I said looking at him.

"Okay." Louis said. I went upstairs and started cleaning up the mess and put it in a garbage can and walked downstairs and saw Heather on the floor.

"Why is she on the floor?" I asked Louis who was laughing.

"I don't know. She rolled of and mumbled she wanted to lay on the floor so I left her." Louis said laughing. Liam was asleep. I went over to her and picked her up and sat on the couch and held her in my lap. Louis layed on the air mattress and went to sleep. I took Heather back to her room and layed her on her bed and layed down and went to sleep.


(A/N): Sorry if it's short. Hope you liked it. Bye guys.

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