Ch.49: Are You Serious?

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(A/N: Hey guys. So after this chapter there will be 2 more then an epilogue. Then I will start the Liam punk fanfic. If you would like to help find a name for the Liam punk fanfic let me know on the IG account as soon as possible. I will be updating the rest of the book this week. I have loved writing this for you all. Please follow me on here and IG. Here is chapter 49.


Heather's P.O.V.

It's been 4 months since Anna and Niall got married and Anna is 5 months pregnant. Me and Anna were watching tv in the living room with Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle. Liam and Danielle are back together and she moved in last month. We were watching Ridiculousness. We were laughing alot. The boys went to a meeting with management. The boys tour ended about 2 months ago. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and dried my hair. I curled my hair. It was about 3 in the afternoon and Harry said he wanted to take me out for dinner. He said to dress casual. I pur on my white tank top that tied in the front and put on my dark blue hollister skinny jeans. I put on my new sand colored timberlands and went downstairs.

"How does this look?" I asked the girls. They look at me and smiled.

"That looks so cute. You have to let me borrow that outfit." Perrie said. I smiled.

"Thank you Perrie." I said. I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water. Anna came in the kitchen.

"You alright?" I asked. Sitting on the counter.

"Yeah. Just hungry." Anna said looking through the fridge.

"Have you found out what gender the baby is?" I asked.

"No. I want it to be a suprise." Anna said.

"Is your mom gonna be here when you give birth?" I asked.

"She should be. When I'm 9 months she will be here through then is what she said." Anna said eating strawberries.

"I wonder if I'll be able to have kids." I said.

"Why wouldn't you?" Anna asked

"Cause I used to be sick alot when I was younger and used to be in the hospital. You remember. You and your parents would come up there. That's when we were homeschooled." I said drinking water.

"Oh yeah. I'm sure you will be. If you aren't you can always adopt." Anna said.

"I hope I'm able to." I said. After I said that the boys walked in. Harry and Niall walked in first and then Zayn then Liam and then Louis. Me and Anna looked at each other and then busted out laughing. The boys looked at us like we were crazy. I leaned forward and fell off the counter. I kept laughing.

Anna's P.O.V.

When Heather fell off the counter and she kept laughing. She scared me. Harry ran over to her and looked at her. I looked at Niall and walked over to him.

"Is she okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah. She is still lauging." I said rubbing my belly.

"How's the baby?" Niall asked

"The baby's fine. Certainly loves making me eat. I eat so much." I said. Niall rubbed my pregnant belly.

"I'm going to take a nap. The baby is making me sleepy." I said walking towards the stairs.

"I'll be up in a minute. I'm gonna see what Harry is doing." Niall said. I nodded and went upstairs and layed on my back in the bed. I pulled the covers up and tried to fall asleep.

Heather's P.O.V.

I have been laying on the floor for 20 minutes. Harry is scared to pick me up because he thinks I'm hurting.

"Harry. Help me up please." I say.

"Ugh. Okay. After this I'm taking a shower and getting ready for dinner." Harry said picking me up. My arm hurt a little.

"Thank you. Now go shower Styles." I said. He went upstairs.

*30 minutes later*

"Hey baby. Are you ready?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. I'm ready. Are you?" I ask.

"Yeah." Harry says coming down the stairs. He grabbed his car keys and we went to the car. He opened my door for me and I got in. He ran to his side and got in. We headed off to our dinner.

*1 hour later*

We went to Olive Garden and now we are eating our fettucinni. (A/N: Idk if that's how you spell it I tried though.)

"This was an amazing dinner Harry. Thank you." I say looking at him.

"Your welcome love. I have a question for you." Harry says.

"What is it?" I ask. Harry gets up and stands in front of me. He gets down on one knee and pulls out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

"Heather Marie Busbin. Since that day I saw you at Panama City Beach I knew you were the one for me. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You make me happy when my days were bad. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Harry asks. I put my hand over my mouth and start crying.

"Are you serious? This isn't a joke is it?" I ask.

"No baby. It's not a joke. I promise." Harry says.

"Yes. I will marry you Harry." I say hugging him. He removes the promise ring and puts on the engagement ring. The people around us clap and cheer. Harry pays the bill and we leave.

"I love you Heather." Harry says kissin my temple.

"I love you Harry." I say. We get in the car and head home. When we get home I run in the house and everyone is in the living room. I ran in fromt of them so they could see me. I put my left hand in front of them. They looked closely and started screaming.

"OH MY GOD! YOUR GETTING MARRIED!" They all yelled. I nodded and hugged them all. Harry came in and stood beside.

"The future Mrs.Styles everyone." Louis says.

"Harry you finally did it. Our little boy is growing up." Zayn says.

"I know. It took a while to find the perfect ring for her." Harry says. I walk up to mine and Harry's room and change into a oversized t-shirt and go to sleep.


(A/N: How did you guys like it? Was it good? I'll be updating until Friday or Saturday. When I start the new book I'll be changing the name of the IG page and put the pictures in a certain color for the Liam Payne punk story. I have my idea thinker on IG. I would like a stylist to. I could maybe text them and they could send pictures. So I can put them together. I will give you my number from direct message on IG or wattpad or some other thing. Goodnight. Update tomorrow guys.

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