Ch.13: Cheer Tournament

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(A/N) Hey guys. It's only been like an hour and a half since I updated. So I'm updating again. Here's chapter 13.


Anna's P.O.V.

Today is our cheer tournament. We got new outfits. They are east celebrity elite cheer outfit. The boys know about our tournament. If they come it will be ruined. Me and Heather are getting ready. She was ready. I still had to put my hair up. I put my hair up. We walked out the house and down the street to where the tournament is. We arrived and the team was here. It was our turn to go on. We went out and did our routine. We finished and realized nobody was paying attention because the boys were here. We told them not to come. This was supposed to be the best time ever. I grabbed Heather and took her backstage.

"C'mon Heather. We are leaving. They just ruined this for us. We should just go to the beach for a while." I told her.
"Yeah. I can't believe they did this to us. We told them not to." She said tearing up. We got our stuff and left the place. We walked to the house and got our stuff together. We put it in our car. We were sleeping in the guest room. So we can leave early. Me and Heather showered and got food and drinks and locked ourselves in the guest room.

*1 hour later*

The boys walked in. We let Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke in. They asked what was wrong and we told them. They were mad. They knew this was important for us.

Heather's P.O.V.

Me and Ashton were like best friends. He was going to go off on Harry for ruining me and Anna's big day.

"Ashton?" I asked.
"Yes Heather?" He asked.
"Thank you for being there for me. Your the best guy friend ever." I said hugging him. He hugged back.
"Your like a little sister. I have to stand up for you." He said. He heard the boys and got up and walked out with Michael, Calum, and Luke. I knew they were mad. Ashton was beyond mad.
"What is wrong with you guys!" Ashton yelled.
"What do you mean Ashton?" They answered back.
"Don't play stupid. You ruined Heather and Anna's tournament. Nobody payed attention to the performance because you 5 showed up! They are like my little sisters! I will stand up for them no matter who it is!" Ashton yelled.
"Where are they?" Harry and Niall asked.
"They don't want to see any of you right now." Ashton said.
"Where are they?" Harry said getting mad. I got up and came out of the room slamming the door behind me. I was mad at them.
"Shut up Harry! Quit talking to him like that. He is my best friend/brother and so are the others. You and the others ruined me and Anna's ony chance to become one of the biggest cheer squads ever. Harry we're through." I said slapping him. I walked off and slammed the guest room door. Anna was sleeping. I went to bed.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Harry! This is your fault! Now Anna won't talk to me! Why did you do it! They told us not to come because if this reason!" I yelled at him. He just stood there. I saw tears coming down his cheeks. Heather broke up with him and slapped him. I hope Anna doesn't break up with me. A few minutes later Anna came out.

"Anna. I'm so sorry. Harry planned this not me." I said about to cry.
"I know. I heard Nialler. Heather has been crying. She really wanted this. Ashton is trying to comfort her. It won't work." She said upset. I engulfed her in my arms. She started crying.
"She didn't mean to break up with Harry. She is just mad." Anna said crying.
"I know. Let's go to bed." I told her carrying bridal style to our room.

Heather's P.O.V.

It was midnight. I had to go to mine and Harry's room. I got up and went upstairs to mine and Harry's room.
I opened the door. He was asleep. I got into my side. He woke up.

"Harry. I'm sorry." I said crying. "Please take me back." I kept crying.
"I couldn't sleep without you." Harry said.
"I was just mad Harry." I said crying in his chest.
"I know baby. Let's go to sleep." He said.
"Are we back together then?" I asked.
"Yes. Baby." He said. I fell asleep.


(A/N) Fighting. Sad. At least they forgave each other. Oh well. They will being their stuff back in the house in the next chapter.

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