Ch.26: Summer 2014!

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(A/N) Hey guys. It's the second week of school. It's gone great. But today I was going to my 6th period class and my friend Hannah was holding on to my bookbag cause I like to get out of alot of traffic. So he stops us and asks us where we going. I ignore him and try to walk but my friend Hannah kept pulling me back. I was so mad. But anyways no one cares about my real life let me give you chapter 26.


Anna's P.O.V.

It was summer time finally! Me and Niall have been engaged for about 2 months now. It has been a great 2 months. Heather and Harry are doing great. They seem kinda distant sometimes. I hope nothing is going on. It was around 12 pm. Me and Niall were going to walk around London in a few minutes. I was wearing cream colored skinny jean jeggings. It's still cold in London. My shirt was a long sleeve baggy t-shirt i had on white supras. Niall came down wearing white supra black jeans and a white t-shirt with a grey hoodie. I grabbed a black and white varsity jacket. We walked out of the door and started walking with our hands intertwined. I kissed his cheek.

"Anna are you okay?" Niall asked looking at me as we walked.

"Yeah. I'm worried about Heather. Her and Harry have been kinda distant lately." I said looking at him.

"I have noticed that too. I'll talk to Harry about it." Niall said.

"I'll talk to Heather too." I said looking up and seeing the beautiful city of London.

"Wanna grab a bag of chips?" Niall asked pointing to the place full of chips.

"Sure." I said heading towards the chips. I picked out cool ranch doritos and Niall picked regular lays. We payed for our chips and left.

"These are really good." I said eating my doritos.

"My Lays are better." Niall said.

"Haha. Whatever you say Niall." I said smiling.

*1 hour later*

We decided to head back to the house. We got up to the house and went inside. I heard things being thrown upstairs and yelling. I looked at Niall and we ran upstairs. It was coming from Heather and Harry's room. We walked to their door and they were arguing.

Harry's P.O.V.

Me and Heather haven't been getting along at all lately. We are arguing right now about me coming home late. I was drinkin with the boys besides Niall. He went put with Anna. I feel bad but I can't help when I drink. We always argue. I know Niall and Anna are standing at the door. Heather threw our first picture together at the wall. That's when it happened.

Heather's P.O.V.

I just threw me and Harry's first picture. I ran to it and picked it up. I sat on the floor and cried. What have I done. Me and Harry are falling apart. I got up and got a new picture frame and put the picture in it. I grabbed some clothes and changed into black yoga pants and a grey sweatshirt. I walked out and put on my black uggs and walked out. I went to the back yard and sat on the swing set. I just looked at the ground. I cried for a while. I felt someone coming. I looked up and saw Louis. I looked back down.

"Heather. What is going on?" He asked sitting on the swing beside me.

"I don't know. I'm always alone." I said. I finally found out about Snowball I was broken. Anna just goes wherever Niall goes. No one asks if I ever want to go.

"Harry won't come out of his room. He is so upset. He hates himself for getting a little big drunk and arguing with you." Louis said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It's hard Louis. I just need to just stop arguing with him and let him be." I said.

"Heather. He wants to talk to you." Louis said standing up grabbing my hand. I stood up and he pushed me in front of him and made me walk inside. We got inside and he walked upstairs to mine and Harry's room. I followed him and he opened the door. He was awake staring at our first picture. He looked up and saw me. He stood up and nodded at Louis. Louis left and I was just standing there.

"He-Heather please don't be mad. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I want to be with you all the time. I know this is hard baby. I do. But, I just don't want to lose you Heather." He said standing in front of me. I kept looking down. I started crying. He hugged me tight. I hugged him back and cried harder.

"I-I'm so so so so so sorry Harry. I didn't mean anything. I don't want to argue with you anymore. Can we be happy and back to normal again. Please." I said looking at him crying. He was crying too. He nodded. We kissed and I went to the bathroom to wash my face off. I got my hair changed to a light pink. I put my hair in a bun and went to our bedroom. Harry wasn't in our room. I went downstairs to get some wheat thins. I saw all the boys and Anna.

"Where's Harry?" I asked eating my ranch flavored wheat thins.

"He said he went to get some ice cream and movies for you two to watch tonight for a romantic night as he calls it." Louis said smiling. I smiled.

"Haha. I'm gonna watch tv with you all while I'm waiting for Harry to get back.

Harry's P.O.V.

I got Heather a edwards strawberry creme pie. I knew she loved those. I bought a mini refrigerator and freezer for our own ice cream and drinks. I got chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream to eat. I grabbed titanic, step brothers, and paranormal activity 3. I bought everything and headed home. I arrive home 20 minutes later and grab everything and walk in the house. I go to mine and Heather's room and put everything in it's spots. Time for movie night with Heather.


(A/N) Sorry it's short. I have school tomorrow and I need some sleep. Bye guys. Hope you liked it.

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