Ch.30: Liam's Birthday

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(A/N) Is anybody interested in continuing this story so I can write a new one. I have loved this story. But I don't want it to end yet. So I want one of my readers to help write it. If your interested message me please. Here is chapter 30.


Heather's P.O.V.

Today is Liam's 21st birthday. Him and Dani broke it off a few weeks ago. Liam is dating a girl named Sophie from his hometown now. I absolutely do not like her. I saw the cake she made and Dani made a better one than that. Even Harry, Anna, and Niall agreed. If she gets rude I'm going to be so mad. Liam doesn't know his best friend Andy is coming. It was about 5 pm and Liam's party starts at 6 pm. I was wearing a black queens of darkness shirt it looked like a gothic shirt with visual punk ripped shorts I felt like dressing in cool black clothes and my shoes were black high top converse. I put my hair in a pony tail and went downstairs. I saw people arriving Liam was at a restaurant with Sophie. We had to give her money to take him to dinner and buy it for him. She needs a job. I looked for Harry and finally found him in the kitchen eating chips.

"Harry! Wait until the party!" I yelled running to him taking the chips.

"I was hungry and wow babe I like those shorts and your short. They look really cool." Harry said smiling.

"Thank you baby. Now I have to go check and see if Anna is ready. Go look for Niall." I said running upstairs to Anna and Niall's room.

"Anna! Open up! It's Heather! I wanna pick out your outfit!" I yelled. She opened it and drug me inside and closes the door and locked it. I ran to her closet and picked out a silver sequin crop top with black high waisted acid washed shorts and her shoes were silver sequin wedges. I curled her hair and I put a smokey eye shadow on her. She looked great it was now 5:55 pm.

"Anna we have to go downstairs now." I said running out of the room. She just nodded and I ran downstairs and Anna had to walk slower so she wouldn't fall. We got downstairs and I saw Niall look at Anna. He looked like he saw something amazing. I knew they were happy. I couldn't find Harry anywhere. It was now 6 and Liam and Sophie pulled up. I heard the door open and the lights turned on.

"SUPRISE!" Everyone yelled. Liam looked so happy. I had to go get Andy from the guest room. I went to the guest room.

"Andy. Come on. Liam arrived. It's your turn to make Liam's birthday better." I said opening the door.

"I'm coming." Andy said coming out of the room. He walked a few feet behind me.

"Liam. I have a suprise for you. Close your eyes." I said. He closed his eyes and Andy stood in front of him.

"Open your eyes Liam." I said. Liam opened his eyes and he looked so happy.

"ANDY YOUR HERE!" Liam yelled hugging Andy. I was happy for Liam. his best friend traveled here to see him. I walked off to the backyard and sat there. These clothes were itchy. I got up and walked back in. I saw Harry but he didn't see me so I went to our room and locked the door. I changed into my blue and orange yoga shorts with a 5SOS t-shirt and went to bed. I had food in a mini refrigerator beside my side of the bed so I didn't have to worry about food. I ate chips and drank pepsi and watched movie. I have watched 2 movies. The Lion King and Marley and Me. I went to sleep after that and Harry hasn't even looked for me.

Harry's P.O.V.

Heather hasn't been seen all night. Anna said she might be in our room but I don't think she is. I looked outside and looked at our room window it was closed. I guess she is in our room. I drank a little bit tonight I don't drink at all but tonight I did. Heather hates stuff like this and I feel bad. I went to Louis.

"Hey man. Have you seen Heather?" I asked Louis.

"She is upstairs. I went up there a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom and I heard the tv playing and I looked in and she was asleep." Louis said.

"I'm gonna go to bed." I said. He just nodded and I went to bed. I went up stairs and changed into sweatpants and Heather was wearing my 5SOS t-shirt. I layed in bed and looked at her.

"Heather. Are you awake?" I asked looking at her.

"I'm trying to sleep." She mumbled.

"I have been looking for you all night and I didn't see you I figured you were tired today and you came here to lay down and sleep." I said to her. She was laying on her stomach.

"I have. My back has been hurting all day." She said turning her head to look at me. I started rubbing her back to help her relax. A few minutes passed and I knew she was asleep. I stopped rubbing her back and pulled her closer to me. I fell asleep.

Liam's P.O.V.

I had the best birthday ever! Andy suprised me by coming here. Sophie has just been following me around. She hasn't even said happy birthday. Everyone did before they went to bed. Sophie went to her house. I went to bed and fell asleep from the long party.


(A/N) Sorry it's short. I had to write this before bed. Night.

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